Get ready for hunting season with realistic game targets

September 29th, 2021 – Get ready for hunting season with realistic game targets Hunting season has begun in many parts of the country…or will soon. You might want to practice shooting on special paper targets made specifically for hunters before you go out hunting. Here are some game targets that can help you succeed this hunting season. Realistic Game Targets with Marked Vital Areas Serious hunters may prefer to practice using photo-realistic game targets that have animal profiles that look exactly like the real thing. Champion offers realistic “X-Ray” game animal targets. These X-Ray targets show bone structure and heart/lung positions of game animals. These targets are very popular with hunters. CLICK HERE for X-Ray Critter Targets and Animal Targets.
This large ELK X-Ray target is no longer available. However, you might still find it in some shops. CLICK HERE to see a larger version. Birchwood Casey offers a Realistic Deer Target which shows the vital Hit Zone. The target comes with four (4) replacement Shoot-N-See overlays. sells a target twin-pack for $7.60 that includes the overlays. Free Printable Game Targets from NRA. To help you prepare for fall hunts, created a set color practice hunting targets. You can practice your skills with three bucks, three wild or three turkeys. Each target has three red bullseyes centered on the animals. The targets can be printed in black or white, but they look better in color. Click on any image to download a PDF file. Right-Click each image to download a printable PDF file:

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