Great Loading Gear Transporter made from Horse Grooming Box

December 13, 2022 Do you load often at the range? You might also need to transport your loading gear when you travel with your RV. This is a smart option for transporting tools and other items. It can hold tools, dies arbor press, case-trimmers, and even a ChargeMaster. Some guys have made their own loading tool-boxes out of wood. Others may stuff their gear in a few plastic range boxes. Chris Covell, a clever and innovative designer, came up with a better solution. Chris found a sturdy, sturdy metal Horse Grooming Box on eBay. Chris says the multi-featured metal box is perfect for reloading. My ChargeMaster is now out the wind. “Bullets and Trickler, Priming Tool on Top”
The large compartment on the top, beneath the hinged metal lid, holds Covell’s funnels and scales, priming tools, trickler, and other essential gear (photo to right). This compartment is large enough to hold wide-mouth funnels without any difficulty. Slide-Out Drawer with Dividers

Below the top level is an easy sliding drawer with multiple dividers. This drawer is ideal for Covell’s inline seats dies, case-neck desburring, and chamfering instruments, as well as other small bits and pieces. Covell keeps his RCBS Chargemaster Lite in the bottom section. He also has a case-trimming and arbor press. It’s clear: Loaders at the range must bring lots of gear, including powder dispensers and scales, funnels and sizing/seating tools, as well as a variety of tools such as reloading presses, powder dispensing machines, scales, funnels, scales, funnels and brass prep tools. There may also be other items you need to transport, such as LabRadar mounts and LabRadar feet, barrel fans, and ammo caddies. This metal box will allow you to organize and protect all your gear. This box was purchased at an affordable price via eBay. Chris Covell’s Range Box was featured in the Benchrest Shooting & Gunsmithing Private Facebook Group Page. This Group is worth joining. With membership, you have access to a wealth information for accuracy-oriented shooters.

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