The shooting world has been at a standstill when it comes Kalashnikovs. While the rifle platform itself has grown more popular than ever in the U.S. over the past few years, its flagship caliber–7.62×39–has been drying up. AKs used to be a popular option in the U.S. because of their low cost and availability of ammunition. That is no longer the case. The cheapest 7.62×39 is now almost 2 cents more expensive per round than the cheapest.223 Remington ammo (source: AmmoSeek). This is primarily due to the Russian ammo embargo which has cut off the importation of brands like Tulammo. The existing stock in the States has been left to dwindle. Most American shooters are better off sticking with more conventional Western calibers until a large volume of 7.62×39 is produced domestically at an affordable price. The 7.62×39 cartridge is more expensive and less readily available than 5.56 NATO, or.223 Rem. So, the only reason a first time AK buyer would choose a 7.62×39 rifle is if they like its ballistics or want to be original. In 2023, a 5.56 AK is the best choice for a new Kalashnikov buyer who wants a practical range gun. This is especially true for those who already own a 5.56 AR-15. If this sounds like you, we’ll go over some history, what you should know, and then our picks for the top 5.56 AKs that you can buy. Brief History Of Military 5.56 AKsWhen AKs are referred to as the most popular rifles in the world, people are referring to those with a 7.62x39mm chamber. Since their creation, these rifles have been used in almost every major world conflict. The 5.45x39mm cartridge used in the AK-74 was never as popular as the 7.62×39 but it still saw significant use. The majority of its users were Russia and ex Soviet or ex Warsaw Pact countries, but other nations also adopted it. The Galil and its derivatives are the most common AK family members. A few AKM-based weapons have been developed, but not many. An East German Wieger StG-940. East Germany began experimenting with this concept in the early 80s with the Wieger StG-940. Czechoslovakia soon followed with the LADA design and CZ 2000. In the 1990s, Russia designed the AK-101 for export. Serbia developed and adopted Zastava M21. And Poland developed and implemented the FB Radom Beryl, Mini-Beryl. The Beryl is the one that has seen the most actual use, given Poland’s involvement with the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. There are a number of 5.56×45 AK rifles in the United States. There are a lot of 5.56 AKs available in the United States. Not as many as 7.62×39 but enough to fill this guide. Older imports are considered collectibles and will cost a lot of money if you can find them on the secondhand markets. Some of these include the Valmet M71/S, from Finland, and the Norinco type 84S, from China. There are also some Russian rifles such as the Saiga and Vepr. Rock Island Auction Company. Most of these older imports will be great, but you should always do your research on the quality, condition, and appraisal before purchasing one. There is no standard specification for 5.56 AKs. Unlike the AK’s more popular calibers of 7.62×39 and 5.45×39, there has never been a standard spec set. As almost every country experimented with their own designs, there was less compatibility. You will still need to research magazine compatibility for your chosen model. A surplus bakelite 5.45×39 AK74 magazine and a Pod arms 5.56 conversion follower. The magazines should be loaded with less than 30 rounds for reliability. However, there are also aftermarket options that can work, even if minor adjustments are required. The 5 Best 5.56 AK Rifles :WBP Jack556SRThe WBP 556SR is the best all-around, general-purpose 5.56 AK on this list. WBP AKs are relatively new to the U.S. market, but their reputation is very good. The Jack 556SR, the company’s basic 5.56×45 version, is similar to a plain Jane AKM. It is also one of the most affordable models available. These come with nice Polished laminated wood furniture as well as an enhanced magazine release. The side-scope rail is also included, as well as a threaded barrel (14×1 LH with slant brake) and an intact Bayonet lug. The only minor downside to these is that their barrels are nitrided rather than chrome-lined, but people tend to make a bigger deal out of that than it really is.MSRP: $1,299 // ; atlanticfirearms.comFB 223S Beryl M1Also from Poland, one could describe the FB Radom Beryl as the most premium option on this list. This 5.56 AK is not only a high-quality weapon, but it also has a significant history. The FB Beryl is a fine shooter, but none of them has the military history that the FB Beryl does. Many have bought these as both collectibles, and shooters. Some have even purchased two or more to fill both roles. This is the best 5.56 AK available in the United States, regardless of what appeals to you. Based on the Polish service gun, they have a few unique features, such as the furniture and the optics mounting system, that are different from the typical AK-based weapons. Although they are compatible with many generic AK accessories. These barrels are chrome-lined and can be ordered in either a 1/28 LH threaded or 14/1 LH. This model does not have a side-scope rail, but optics can still be installed using other methods such as the proprietary Beryl system. This model doesn’t have a side-scope rail, but optics can still be installed via other methods such as the proprietary Beryl system.MSRP: $1,569.99 // ; atlanticfirearms.comZastava ZPAP M90Introduced in 2021, the ZPAP M90 has become a popular 5.56 AK option as well, but they have some distinct pros and cons.Firstly, while they’re arguably more durable due to their 1.5mm-thick receivers and bulged front trunnions, they are also noticeably heavier. Its 18.25-inch barrel is threaded 14/1 on the left side and chrome-lined, but it also provides more velocity for the projectile. They also come with a side-scope, a Magpul Zhukov stock, a MOE grip, and a Hogue rubber-handguard. Note that this is still a Yugo-pattern AK, however, so any replacement furniture will need to be as well.MSRP: $1,223.99 // zastavaarmsusa.comPSA AK-556This option is for the prospective purchaser who already has an AR-15 and doesn’t want to deal with buying new AK mags. The PSA AK-556 has a unique feature that allows it to be used with AR-15 magazines. It also has a bolt-release. PMAGs work best, but other magazines can also be used. The rifle has a 16-inch bar, a bulged trunnion on the front, and a side-scope-rail. The barrel is nitrided and threaded 1/28. It also comes with a muzzlebrake. The standard version comes with generic polymer furniture, but PSA also offers more tactical models with railed handguards and folding stocks.MSRP: Starts at $999.99 // palmettostatearmory.comArsenal SAM5To get this out of the way, personally, I find that AKs from Arsenal of Bulgaria are overhyped and overpriced. Click around online and you’ll find that they are good rifles, but their reputation is not as positive as it should be. The SAM5 is the only milled 5.56 receiver option available. This is the milled rifle for those who want a heavier, more durable rifle than they need. The 16.3-inch barrels are chrome-lined, threaded 14/1 and come with an AK-351 Muzzle Brake. The SAM5 is a great option if the price and weight don’t bother you. MSRP: $1899.99 // arsenalinc.comMore about AK StuffNEXT STEP Download Your Free Storm Tactical Printing Target Pack62 Printable MOA targets with DOT drills – Rifle range in YARDSThis impressive pack from our friends at Storm Tactical includes 62 printable targets for rifle and handgun ranges. The grids and bullseyes are measured in MOA. Subscribe to the Gun Digest newsletter and we will send you your print-at home target pack immediately. Enter your email below.

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