A good article on gunsafes is available in SHOT Business. This publication is for the audience of the NSSF SHOT Show. This Safe Spaces Article, written by Christopher Cogley offers some very important considerations when purchasing a firearm safe. Here are some key points from the article: Safe Security – The security of a safe is based on two factors: the thickness and construction of the safe. Look for a gun safe with continuous welding instead of bolts and spot-welding. These are easier to cut through by trained gun thieves using torches or powerful saws. Lock Options – Traditional combination locks may be the easiest option. They don’t allow quick access to firearms during an emergency. The electronic and biometric keypads allow for quicker access, but you should replace the batteries annually. Fireproof Rating – Apart from theft, fire is the greatest threat to your firearms. There is no standard fireproof rating for gun safes, which can make the rating confusing. The fireproof rating is a general guideline that states how long the safe can be exposed for a certain temperature fire and still maintain a temperature of 350 degrees F inside.Stephen Hall, CEO at Lock It Up Safes, provides advice in the Safe Spaces article. Hall answered the question “Where should I place my safe?” Hall stated: “Ease-of-installation should NOT be the primary consideration when making this choice.” The pros and cons of putting a safe in your garage are both valid. Some retailers will only recommend the garage because they do not have the team to install safes elsewhere. It is easier to wheel one into the garage. It’s fine to put a safe in a garage if it’s the only place that you can do it, but the majority want it in their home so they can easily access it. The garage is not the best place to control temperature and humidity. The concrete floor is a good base for a garage installation. Concrete slabs are also a good anchor for houses on the first floor. If the safe is to be placed on an upper floor, it’s important to consider the weight of the contents and the safe itself.
Hall recommends that you place your gun safe against a wall. “In case of a fire, the safe typically lasts longer as there isn’t much that can burn on the one side of it, thus keeping the safe cooler.” Don’t make the mistake of buying a too-small safe. This video explains the reasons why you should invest in a larger safe. First, the stated gun capacity is exaggerated. Rifles with mounted optics and long barrels require more space than small rimfire or lever guns with iron sights. Second, you can expect your gun collection to grow in the future. Third, you might want to store other valuables, such as important documents, jewelry and watches, or expensive electronics, in the safe. In this video, the host says: “Get a larger safe than you initially think you’ll require.” This will ensure that you have enough space for future purchases as well as all the guns and other equipment you already have. Editor’s recommendation: Budget between $1200-1500 to get a safe with external hinges and an interior of at least 58″ high. This will allow you to store rifles with barrels up to 30”, and the top shelf can be used for valuables or handguns. A rotary rack or slide-out drawers can be great additions. Dial or Keypad? We prefer rotary dial locks. They will last for decades with minimal maintenance. The digital locks are convenient and offer quick access. If you go digital, get a commercial-grade unit. A thin layer of sheetrock is not enough to make a safe “fire-proof”. Interior must be at least 58″ high and 30″ wide
Weight of the Overall Package: 750 Pounds and Above
8 Gauge or Heavier wall Thickness
Double-Wall Composite Door with Relockers
Minimum UL RSC Rated. Minimum UL RSC Rated.
External Hinges Mechanical UL Group II or better Lock with Standard Dial
Or UL Type 1, Commercial-Grade, Electronic Lock Custom Interior for Scoped Guns With Long Barrels
On-Door Storage for Non-scoped long Guns OR
Rotary Gun Rack for Scoped Rifles & ARs, Internal (sandwiched), Reinforced if Sheet Rock
Palusol? Palusol?
Fire-lined inner safe for paper and media with a low-gloss, rust-resistant external finish
Pre-drilled holes in the rear for Electric Cord and Lag Bolts.
Overhead Fluorescent Lights and/or LED Mini-lights strung together