Hodgdon acquires RCBS from Vista Outdoors

Reloaders, here’s some great news. Hodgdon Powder Company has acquired RCBS, a leading manufacturer of dies and reloading equipment, including case prep tools, powder dispensing devices, and reloading press. Revelyst was the company that operated RCBS, a division within Vista Outdoor (VSTO). (SEE Revelyst report on Yahoo Finance. Here is the official press release announcing this acquisition: Hodgdon Powder Company acquires RCBS ReloadingMay 02, 2024

Hodgdon Powder Company announces the acquisition of RCBS Reloading by Revelyst (a division of Vista Outdoor, NYSE: VSTO). Hodgdon Powder Company is ready to ship RCBS products immediately to wholesale and retail clients. This acquisition will take effect on May 2, 2024. Steve Kehrwald is the president and CEO of Hodgdon Powder Company. He said that this acquisition of RCBS – a leading brand in metallic reloading – is a great addition to our portfolio of smokeless brands for handloading customers. We are excited to provide even more load data for our new RCBS clients with our world-class ballistics laboratories. Hodgdon Powder Company is also proud to add the RCBS Oroville facility to its existing facilities in Shawnee KS, Herington KS, and Miles City MT. The addition of RCBS will more than double Hodgdon Powder Company’s headcount and expand the company’s capabilities. “Our friends have referred for years to the Hodgdon company and family as ‘The Gunpowder People,’ and this acquisition further demonstrates the dedication of the Hodgdon Powder Company to the handloader,” stated J.B. Hodgdon. He is co-owner, with his late brother Bob, the Hodgdon Powder Company. “Our dad Bruce partnered up with Fred Huntington, from RCBS, to conduct Reloading Roadshows in the 1950s. I believe that they are both looking down on us today, proud of our two great brands coming together in 2024.” Comment by Vista Outdoor/Revelyst

Eric Nyman, co-CEO of Vista Outdoor & CEO of Revelyst, said, “RCBS has shown their manufacturing, innovation, and operational excellence for more than 80 years.” “We are excited for RCBS, and their new ownership by Hodgdon Powder. This transaction brings together two iconic brands and ensures RCBS’s success in the next chapter. Hodgdon Powder sent a letter to its customers today. Hodgdon Sales V.P. Shawn Kelley says: “Hodgon Powder Company has announced earlier today that we have acquired RCBS, from Vista Outdoor. This acquisition is effective immediately.”

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