How American Hunters Help Wildlife Conservation in the USA

September 22nd, 2022
On Saturday, September 24, 2022 is National Hunting and Fishing Day. There are more than 9.2 million hunters in America. These infographics show the crucial role of hunters in protecting wild species in North America. 60% of the state Fish & Wildlife Agency funding comes currently from excise taxes, licensee fees, and licensee fees paid to anglers and hunters. Over the past ninety years, the system has provided billions in conservation funding. Since the 1930s, hunters, target-shooters, and the firearms industry have been the largest contributors to conservation in the United States. They pay for programs that benefit America’s wildlife. The Pittman-Robertson Act generates $700,000,000 annually. It is distributed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to state game and fish agencies across America.

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