How-To: Buying a First-Time Suppressor?

I’ve been a gun lover for a very long time. It began with a fascination with pistols. Later, it evolved into a love of rifles and shotguns. I’ve realized that I love guns and all things related to them. I had never owned a silencer, so this was my first time purchasing one.

Buying a suppressor for the first time

I am a certified firearms instructor who teaches thousands of people every year how to clean and maintain their firearms, as well as firearms safety. Not to mention personal safety.

The world of suppressors was something I never really explored. As my knowledge of firearms has grown, I have fewer categories to explore. This leads me to learning about buying a silencer.


I was intimidated by suppressors because of their tax stamp business, just like many others. How do I get a tax stamp? I knew that adding a suppressor would reduce the sound decibels and feel recoil. It would also improve accuracy. But I admit that I knew nothing about them.

I did what any person would do in 2020 if there was a pandemic. I went online to find information. You know that if you find it online, it’s probably true.

I found a lot of information about cans and different companies. How suppressors are made, the different construction materials available, etc. but how do I buy one? This information didn’t appear to be available online.

I knew I had to fill out the NFA paperwork, have my fingerprints taken, pay $200 and buy a can. How do I do it? Where do I begin? If you’re wondering where to begin and want to learn more about suppressors, read on.

Diving In

My first stop was at the gun shop. This seems to be a simple task and is a good place to begin. Unfortunately, many shops treat novices like myself as inferiors and are not helpful at all.

It is sad, but it is true. This was also the case in my journey with suppressors. I asked about the process to buy a suppressor at two local shops and was treated both times with attitude.

I immediately felt that I was doing something incorrect by asking simple questions. Although these shops answered my questions in a way, I still left not understanding the process. I went to a Michigan shop called Not Just Guns, which was a little farther away.

I went to this place because it was highly recommended by friends. When it comes to learning about and understanding the suppressors process, a good shop is key. Stan and Mike from Not Just Guns spent the time to guide me through the whole process. They answered all my questions and gave more information than I was able to process in one sitting.

They made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process and never once did they make me feel inferior. Finding the right shop was the first step. The second step is to find the right suppressor and buy it.

Permanent Decision

I shoot a lot. I wanted something that would allow me to switch from one gun to another. The thing I quickly realized with suppressors was that you are stuck to your decision once you’ve made it.

It’s not like you could buy it, then sell it as you would a gun. You should really think about what suppressors to get.

SilencerCo offers a solution to someone like me who wants to have a suppressor that works on multiple platforms, and even in different calibers. The SilencerCo Hybrid 46 is the perfect solution for my needs.

The Hybrid 46 is compatible for pistol calibers ranging from 9mm up to.45 ACP and rifle calibers ranging from 5.56mm up to.45 70 Govt. You can even use it with.458 Socom if you wish. The Hybrid can be used in full auto, and even magnum loads.

This was the perfect can for me because I wanted it to work on both pistols as well as rifles. SilencerCo offers a variety of accessories that make it easy to adapt the Hybrid for any gun. After I got my suppressor it was time to move on to step three.

Filing the paperwork for a suppressor

It’s a part of the process that most people are intimidated by. The paperwork is what makes it legal. A suppressor is a NFA (National Firearms Act), and therefore requires a tax stamp.

If you don’t understand the process, it can be confusing. Not Just Guns, for example, made the process simple. You will need to have your fingerprint cards made. Some shops even offer fingerprinting services in-store.

Fill out the NFA form and pay your $200 luxury tax to Uncle Sam.

Trusts and Beneficiaries

Before you submit your paperwork, you need to consider all of your options. You will need to decide whether you want the suppressor to be in your name or if a trust should be set up for it. This is an important concept to grasp.

If the suppressor is registered in your name only, you are the sole owner. You must own the suppressor, or have access to it. You must be present at the range for the entire time.

If you are the only owner, the suppressor must be included in your will. You must also make sure that the person you give it to does all the paperwork as if it were a brand new purchase.

You can now add multiple people to the trust if you have set up one for the suppressor. This allows them to legally use the suppressor without your physical presence. You can let someone borrow your suppressor to go hunting by putting them in your trust.

You can include many different people in your trust. If you die, the trust will only have one beneficiary. The whole process seems complicated. It is as simple as filling out the 4473 form to buy a firearm.

The hardest part is waiting.

Hardest Part

You have to wait for your stamp while your suppressor is in a gun store safe. It seems like an eternity that you are alone in the cold and darkness. I waited for almost nine months to get my tax stamp from the ATF before I could pick up the Hybrid 46.

I did make a few trips to Not Just Guns during those nine months to make other purchases and I got to hold my suppressor when I was there. It’s a little sad, but it’s just a tease. It’s the same as when you see a gun in a gun shop and know you can’t buy it. This one, however, you’ve already paid for.

You are almost there. All you have to wait for is that phone call from the gun store telling you that you can pick up your suppressor.

You will need to fill out some more paperwork when you pick up the suppressor. It is only basic transfer paperwork at this point that removes the suppressor from the shop’s records and states it is now in your possession.

Parting Shots: Suppressed, Of Course

Always carry a copy your tax stamp or paperwork when you travel with the suppressor. Create a folder that you will always take with you when going to the range, hunting, or traveling anywhere. Do not let anyone borrow your suppressor who is not a trusted person.

As I mentioned before, I was a little intimidated by the process, but I’m glad I went for it. The Hybrid46 from SilencerCo makes shooting any gun with a threaded-barrel more enjoyable. It also works wonders when hunting.

If you’ve ever considered buying your first suppressor, but didn’t know how to do it, I hope that you take the leap and find a shop such as Not Just Guns who can guide you through the process. With the addition of a suppressor, you can rediscover your guns.

Visit or for more information.

This article was originally published by Personal Defense World in the issue of June/July 2020. Subscription is available in print and digital editions at Or call 1-800-284-5668, or email [email protected].

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The post How to: Details on Buying a Suppressor For the First Time appeared initially on Personal Defense World.

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