How to disassemble, clean, and re-assemble Jewell Triggers

Jewell triggers remain the most popular triggers for competition benchrest rifles, F-Class rifles, hunting, varmint and tactical rifles. A Jewell trigger will work for many years with little maintenance. However, if it becomes gunked up or clogged, you may need to disassemble the trigger and clean it thoroughly. The 6.5 Guys (Ed and Steve) have created a video that shows you how to disassemble a Jewell Trigger and then reassemble it. CLICK HERE to view the 6.5 Guy Jewell Trigger assembly guide. Why you may need to disassemble your Jewell Trigger – The 6.5 GuysJewell triggers, a popular choice for long-range precision shooting, require regular maintenance and cleaning. In most cases, they can be cleaned using charcoal lighter fluid or by dropping them into an ultrasonic cleaning machine. The Jewell Trigger Manual explains how to disassemble them if necessary. We had to disassemble a trigger because of some sticky dirt which was unable to be removed by an ultrasonic cleaning machine. We tried to find step-by step instructions, but couldn’t. Recognizing other shooters may be in the same position, we created a video and step-by-step instructions. They are published in full at These instructions work with either a left or right-handed TRIGGER. In our case, we used a left-handed BR trigger with safety and bolt releases. On the site, you can find step-by-step instructions. Please read the instructions before disassembling your trigger. This video will help you understand the process.

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