Ben Avery Match Photo taken by Sherri Jo Galagher. Southwest Nationals (SWN), the largest F-Class competition in the USA is soon to be held in Phoenix, Arizona. The 2024 SWN will be hosted by the Desert Sharpshooters Rifle Club, at the Ben Avery shooting facility, from February 14-18, 2020. Click HERE to view the SWN Match Schedule. Practice at 300 yards with smaller target centers
Here’s an option for you if you’re heading to Phoenix in two weeks and want to prepare for the big F Class match. SleepyGator, a forum member and F-Class competitor is looking for a long-distance shooting range near his home. He wanted to practice with some “reduced distance” targets at 300 yards. There IS a reduced-distance standard for 300-yard F Class matches. This uses the NRA No. MR63FC – F Class Target Center is pasted on top of the MR63 target. It includes a 1.42″ X-Ring and a 2.85″ 10-Ring. You can download and print some free targets for 300 yard use. The NRA High Power Rules, Sec. 22, contains the dimensions of F Class targets. 22 part 4, page 70-71 – see sample below. Training Targets for F-Class 300-yard CLICK HERE to download F-Class 300-yard (.Zip archives with three targets). To duplicate the 300-yard targets, SleepyGator created a printable version MR-63FC, along with a couple of training targets featuring two bulls and a five-bull target. The two-bull target and the five-bull target are identical to the MR63FC but only display the innermost two rings. All three targets can be printed as Adobe PDF files. NOTE: You may have to adjust the size (scale) of your printer to get exact dimensions. As mentioned above, the 10-Ring should measure 2.85″ when printed on all three targets. You can use these targets as practice targets between matches. SleepyGator provided these targets. Download all three targets as a.Zip file. Click on the.Zip archives after downloading them to extract the targets. Click HERE to download NRA High Power Rules and F-Class Target Dimensions.