Learn to Shoot Better From Barricades for PRS/NRL Competitors

Report by Craig Arnzen Area 419, July 26th 2023As PRS and other tactical/practical contests continue to grow in popularity, one tends to wonder how good the top competitors are. What are they doing (and seeing) as they complete each stage? A great video on the Long Range Precision Shooters YouTube Channel shows us what the top shooters in the sport are seeing through their scopes. This video features Dave Preston (2015 National Champion, and consistently top performer) shooting the PRS Skills Barricade. Dave Preston is considered to be one of the best PRS stage runners in the country. Dave Preston is a near-perfect shooter, with the fastest recorded times. In this video, you’ll see Dave successfully engage all eight shot in under 43 seconds. That’s insanely fast. This video includes a POV (time-mark 4:35) sequence showing the actual view from Dave’s scope while he completes the level. Watch this video! Dave gives excellent advice on gun handling and body positioning when barricading. This video shows the PRS Skills Barricade – an 8-round stage with four positions that is used at most PRS matches across the country. It is called a “Skills Stage”, as it is the same at every national match. Shooters can compare their skill levels by comparing hit percentages and speed. The target is a 10-inch plate. plate at 400 yards. There are four positions with two shots in each. Dave runs this stage in under 40 seconds.

We’ll also look at two pieces that helped Dave Preston to be stable and shoot quickly. 1. BARRICADE BAGS — To Get Really Stable

Dave is seen in the video using a Solo sac from Short Action Precision. This bag was designed USMC Solomon Mansalala. It’s a soft/dense bag that is popular at matches. The other bag, which is by far the most used is the patented Gamechanger bag from Reasor Precision Solutions & Armageddon Gear. 2. MUZZLE BRAKE – To make your follow-up faster

You’ll see that the rifle is very stable in the video, even though the shooter is not applying much pressure to the weapon. Dave is using an Area 419 Hellfire Muzzle Brake. With the soft-recoiling 6-mmBR cartridge, he can spot his impacts quickly and make adjustments. He can also make fast follow-up shots because his rifle hasn’t bounced off target. This TECH TIP is brought to you from Area 419

Similar Posts:Tags: Area 419, Armageddon Gear, Barricade Stage, Dave Preston, NRL, NRL22, PRS, PRS Barricade

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