September 7th 2023Lyman has a product that is very useful for reloaders. It can save you space on your reloading table and improve the flow of powder into your cases. Powder can stick to the sides of “one-size-fits-all” plastic powder funnels. Or, the fit of the case mouth to the funnel is not ideal and some kernels end up on your bench. Precision powder funnels solve these problems. What if you shoot different calibers that have large and small casemouths? Brass-Smith Precision Funnel Set, now only $28.79 from Midsouth. This product is a combination of a static-free cast-aluminum funnel and SIX (6) CNC machined inserts which fit cartridges ranging from.22 to.338. The inserts can be easily swapped to match the cartridge you are loading. Gavin Gear, a friend of Ultimate Reloader, shows how to use a Lyman Precision Pro Powder Funnel Set that has multiple neck-diameters inserts. Product Description: The Brass-Smith Precision Funnel Set is static-free. No more powder sticking to surfaces as can happen with lightweight Plastic Funnel. Brass Smith Precision Funnel Set uses caliber-specific inserts that are precision-machined to fit the case neck. CNC-turned aluminum inserts for specific cartridge families in calibers 22-338. Laser-marked inserts allow caliber identification. Inserts can be easily installed and removed by pushing them in and pulling them out. The Funnel includes inserts for.22 caliber,.243/6mm rifle cartridges,.25/6.5mm rifle cartridges,.270/7mm rifle cartridges,.30 caliber, and.338 calibre rifles. When not in use, the funnel and inserts are neatly stored in a padded storage case.”Photo shows Precision Funnel Set in foam-padded box with stepped Lyman Bleacher Loading block. Forum Member likes the Lyman Precision Powder Funnel Set
Garandman is a member of the Accurate Shooter forum. He purchased the Lyman Precision Funnel System. He has used the system for several cartridge types and is very satisfied with the results. Here is what he had to say: “I would like to share my positive experience with the Lyman Powder funnel. The aluminum/pot metal funnels are a great choice because no static charge is formed and the powder kernels flow straight down the funnel and into the case without any snags. The funnel also comes with interchangeable inserts for case neck dimensions, so that you don’t lose powder outside the case neck. The funnel is less likely than other loading blocks to stick to your case neck, causing it to fall out. This could cause powder to spill all over. Garandman says that the Lyman Precison Funnel Set has done an excellent job for him and he recommends you add this tool to your collection of reloading tools. Below is a review of the Lyman Precision Funnel set from Johnny’s reloading bench. This video review shows the six precision inserts in.22-.338 calibers. Similar Posts:Tags: Brass-smith Power Funnel, Lyman Precision Powder Funnel, Powder Funnel, Powder Funnel Inserts, Powder Funnel Review