Mobile Lab by Applied Ballistics offers personal drag models with Applied Ballistics

In 2024, Applied Ballistics’ team will provide ballistics services for major matches. The team will be equipped with its advanced Doppler Radar, which can provide ultra precise custom ballistic profiles.
Applied Ballistics has announced the initial deployment plan for the Applied Ballistics Mobile Laboratory in the 2024 shooting seasons. The Applied Ballistics Crew is driving the Mobile Lab Truck and Trailer at a number important shooting events in 2020. You can get a Personal Drag Model for your rifle/load at these events based on Doppler radar testing. NOTE: To be eligible for a PDM, you must compete at one of the events listed. The first deployment listed will be at the NRL Hunter Match in Montana on May 17th, 2024. Here is the initial schedule for 2024:
May 17, 2024: Belt, Montana – NRL Hunter
Casper, Wyoming: Nightforce ELR on June 7, 2024
Grand Junction, Colorado, September 11-12, 2024 – IPRF World Championships

The Applied Ballistics Mobile Lab trailer carries a wide range of equipment, including computers, sensors and advanced Doppler Radar. Doppler radar is used to create custom ballistic models (also known as “Personal Drag Models”), which are then given to shooters at major competitions.

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