August 31st 2021
You’re likely to spend a lot of time looking at an iPad or tablet computer screen if you shoot with electronic targets, ShotMarkers or target cameras. These electronic devices are amazing, but outdoor use can be a problem due to reflections from the highly polished glass screen.
It turns out that there is an easy and inexpensive solution to annoying tablet screen reflections. You can eliminate most of the annoying reflections by purchasing an anti-reflective protector for your tablet, smartphone, or iPad. It will make your mobile device much more user-friendly.
Look at the photos above. The first photo shows how annoying reflections can make the ShotMarker display look blurred on a tablet. The second photo shows how much easier it can be to view the ShotMarker target image when there is an anti-reflective screen covering. This is a huge improvement!
Keith Glasscock, our friend, recently added an anti-reflective protector to his iPad tablet. He was impressed with its effectiveness. Keith recently reviewed the iCarez matte screen protector for his Winning in the Wind YouTube channel. These screen covers come in many sizes to fit most Apple iPhones or iPads. These matte, thin screen protectors start at $6.95.
There are also other brands of screen protectors that work in the same way for Android devices. You’ll also find a variety sizes. Supershieldz offers a 3-pack matte screen covers for 10 at $6.99. Amazon has Samsung tablets at $6.99
Keith Glasscock explains screen reflections in shot monitoring using mobile devices in the video above. Keith then discusses his positive experience with the iCarez Matte screen cover installed on his iPad.
This kind of reflection can be eliminated by a good screen cover:
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Tags: iCarez Cover, iPad, Keith Glasscock Samsung Tablet, ShotMarker Tablet Screen Cover, Winning in The Wind