October 13, 2021 – One of our Forum members asked: “Does anyone make a good rangebox with cradles to clean at the bench?” The answer is yes. The MTM model RBMC Range Box has slide-in plastic cradles which provide a sturdy platform for cleaning up after shooting. The RBMC Box has plenty of storage space for jags and brushes, solvents, ammo box, and other miscellaneous gear. The MTM model RBMC range box is the most versatile of all the range boxes. It is sturdy, has lots of storage space, and doubles as a cleaning station. The MTM Range Box was used by the Editor to clean rifles as well as to hold rifles for tensioning action screws and adjusting scopes. It’s a solid product that can withstand rough handling and does a good job. Midsouth has the MTM Shooting Range Box in stock for $43.80 (green version). Fitted Cleaning Cradles
The rubber-coated cradle is what sets MTM’s RBMC apart among other range boxes. The cradles are large enough to fit a 3-inch forearm and slide into vertical slots at either end of the box. This allows the range box to be used as a maintenance station. The RBMC is very stable in this role and the cradles will not mark your stock. The cradles have slots on either side for cleaning rods. The MTM Range Box is strong enough to hold the barrel in place while you brush it. If you are working on a carpeted benchtop, be sure to keep one hand on the MTM Range Box while you run a cleaning rod through it. This will ensure that the box doesn’t slip. Versatile Upper Tray With Dividers
The MTM Range Box consists of two main components: the box base (with cradles) and a large, hinged top tray with carry handle and a large upper container. The large upper tray attaches securely to the bottom unit and can be used for transport. The top tray is long enough to hold cleaning rod guides, long brushes and grease syringes. Two clear-plastic, fitted divider trays are included. These trays can hold your patches, jags, comparators, and small tools. Midsouth also offers a black tactical version of the Range Box. It costs $48.76. The Tactical Range Box comes with a bracket that supports AR-type rifles through its magazine well. This bracket is red, as shown at right. However, there were some production models that had black brackets in the past (see below). What Could Be Improved
Although we love the MTM Range Box, there are some things that we don’t like. We wish the MTM Range Box was a little deeper to allow for more storage. The MTM Range Box measures 25×11.5×11.5? 25? x 11.5? Wide x 8.75? High. We would like to see it 12. It should be high enough to hold larger solvent bottles upright, and deep enough to store tools and muffs. It is large enough to hold the 100-round MTM cartridge boxes, which are very popular among shooters (see photo right). We like the two clear plastic dividers that fit into a removable top-tray. However, we wish the dividers had hinged tops. This would make small items more secure.
Similar Posts: Tags : AR15, Cleaning Cradle. Gear Review, MTM. Range Box, RBMC. Tactical Range Box. Utility Box.