July 24, 2021
National Rimfire Sporter Event at Camp PerryThis weekend’s CMP National Rimfire Sporter Match features a fun competition featuring smallbore rifles that can be equipped with scopes or iron sights. You will need a.22 LR rifle and sling.
Every year, hundreds of shooters flock to Lake Erie for the Rimfire Shooter Match. The annual Rimfire Sporter Match is the CMP event at Camp Perry with the most competitors (of all ages) and the lowest entry fee.
This year’s match will take place on Sunday, July 25, 2021 at the Viale Range. * The Rimfire Sportser Match is for.22LR rimfire rifles weighing 7.5 lbs or less with sights. Firing takes place at 25 and 50 yards from prone, sitting, or standing positions in slow and fast fire modes. The CMP also has a smart-phone app that speeds up scoring. Click HERE to view the Match Program.
VIEW AccurateShooter’s Rimfire Sporter Page
Camp Perry will host hundreds of shooters in the Rimfire Sporter Match Sunday July 25, 2021. Today, Saturday, July 24, Rimfire Sporter competitors will go through the check in. The rifles will then be weighed and the triggers checked. Shooters will also receive their squad assignment. NOTE: CMP states that “Walk-on entries on match day will be accepted if there is range space.”
The CMP National Rimfire Sporter Match offers a fun competition featuring smallbore rifles that can be equipped with scopes or iron sights. You will need a.22 LR rifle and a sling.
Three Rimfire Classes: Iron Sights and Scoped, as well as Tactical Rimfire
Rifles can be either manually operated or semi-automatic. There are three classes: the O Class for open-sighted rifles, the T-Class for telescope-sighted rifles (upto 6 power), and then the Tactical Rimfire Class. Competitors can choose to fire in one or both of the two classes (combined entries). Competitors can use binoculars or spotting scopes to spot shots while shooting. Firing takes place at 50 and 25 yards on a target with an accuracy of 1.78. Ten-ring. The target is easy enough to hit for beginners, but challenging enough that only one competitor has ever scored a perfect 600 in the history of the match.
The Rimfire Sport Match has a nice feature: “Coaching new or inexperienced shooters” is allowed. However, coaches scopes must not be pointed at the targets during rapid fire stages. (See CMP 2021 Rimfire Sporter Match Program).
FREE Ammo from SK (One 50rd box per Entrant)
SK Ammunition will provide 50 rounds SK.22 LR smallbore ammunition to each competitor in the National Rimfire Sporter Match. However, this ammunition is not sufficient to shoot the entire match. To fire the Rimfire Sporter Match, competitors will need 60 rounds. This includes any sighters and range alibis. Christie Sewell, Chief of CPM Programs, stated that “The CMP is thrilled to announce SK the Official Ammunition sponsor for our National Rimfire Sporter Match.” Participants will receive a 50-round box of SK ammunition free of charge at check-in.
Rimfire Sporter Course of Fire
Competitors will complete slow-fire prone, rapid-fire prone slow fire sitting or kneeling rapid fire sitting/ kneeling rapid fire standing and rapid fire standing shot sequences.
What to Bring to 2021 Rimfire Sporter Match
Competitors must bring their own.22 caliber. You must bring your own.22 cal. You are not allowed to use any special target shooting equipment, shooting jackets or shooting gloves. However, you can bring a spotting scope, ground cloth, or a mat. The firing point is a grass field. Competitors are strongly advised to wear hearing and/or eye protection. Assistance will be offered to competitors with disabilities.
* This year’s new addition, in conjunction the National Rimfire Sporter Match is a 50/100 Rimfire Sporter Dewar Match at the Rodriguez Range. The Course of Fire will consist of 20 shots at 50 yards and 20 at 100 yards with 20 minutes each stage. Competitors will shoot at Rodriguez Smallbore Range using official Smallbore Targets. Scoped Rifles Only — Competitors must possess a scoped rifle. This Dewar Match excludes iron sights rifles.
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