The hunting season will soon begin in most parts of the country. Here’s how you can improve your knowledge and skills in hunting. The NRA offers a FREE online Experienced Hunting Education Course to those who are preparing for the 2022 hunting seasons. Peter Churchbourne, Director of NRA’s Hunters Leadership Forum, said, “Our Experienced Hunter Educational Course provides those who may have taken a few seasons off a convenient method to sharpen their skill before heading back into field.” NRA’s 2-hour free course is a firearms and hunting safety-training review in a convenient, engaging platform that’s available on desktop, tablet, and smartphone. The course is free and available to all at The NRA Experienced Hunter Education Course is an online training course designed to help hunters brush-up their skills. This comprehensive hunting refresher program is free for all and will help hunters feel more confident and safer before they head out into the field. Click HERE for more details. “If you haven’t hunted or played shooting sports in a while, our Experienced Hunter’s Education Course will refresh your knowledge of firearms safety, and safe hunting techniques,” said Elizabeth Bush, managing Director of NRA Community Engagement. We’re providing this service for free. Course DescriptionThis online course is designed for those who haven’t hunted for the past year and want to refresh their skills before heading back out into the field. This course will refresh your skills by examining safe hunting practices and firearms. Once you have completed the course, you will become a safer hunter on the field.
Tags: Hunter Education, NRA, Online Hunting Course, Zoom Hunting, Hunter education, online hunting course