NRA Women — Videos on Sighting in, Handguns & Gun Safes

March 11, 2022NRA Women — Videos About Sighting In, Handguns & Gun SafesIn April 2020 the National Rifle Association (NRA), launched This website is dedicated to America’s fastest-growing firearm owners, the women. This website is for the growing number of female gun owners, hunters, and competitive shooters. The number of women involved in firearms is increasing. These numbers are staggering: Statistica estimates that 19% women in the USA own firearms by 2020. However, 23% of women surveyed by Gallup in a 2011 Gallup poll said they owned a gun. Here are four videos from, which are all worth watching. Click the links to view the related articles at for each example. How to Sight-In Your Hunting RifleThis video, and the related article, provide good advice on how to sight-in a hunting rifle. Six points are covered. Tip #1: Find a safe spot to shoot your rifle and use a backstop. Use a bench and a solid shooting rest if you can. The goal of sighting-in is consistency. Make sure you have ear and/or eye protection in case of an emergency. READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ON 2. Factors to Consider When Buying Your First Handgun Personal preference and fit are particularly important when it comes to handguns that can be carried on your person. This video shows two first-time buyers choosing their first handgun. This video explains the factors to consider when selecting a handgun: Ergonomics and Accuracy. RELATED Articles at 3. Cartridge Case Material Options — Brass, Nickel-Plated Brass and Aluminum. A cartridge’s case holds the bullet, powder, primer, and other necessary components. Although brass cases are the most popular, nickle-plated brass cartridges are also available and can be reloaded (though they don’t last as well as plain brass). Major manufacturers make aluminum-cased pistol ammunition, such as CCI Blazer. Although aluminum pistol cases are capable of shooting great, they are not (normally), reloadable. Steel-cased ammunition is also available from some large, mostly foreign, manufacturers. Each case type has its advantages and disadvantages. However, conventional brass is the best for hand-loaders. This video will explain the pros and cons of each cartridge case construction. RELATED Articles at 4. Modular Safes — A Smart Option for Easier MovementThis article includes a great video that shows how to assemble a modular safety in less than 30 minutes. This article also explains some of the advantages of modular gunsafes, including their ease-of-use transport and installation. Modular safes are becoming more popular. They have been around for some time now. Here’s why: The safe is delivered in panels so that you can bring them one by one into your home and then put it together wherever you want. This makes it easy for you to transport up and down stairs, on elevators, or anywhere else. Security — Is it as safe as one that is pre-assembled? The answer is yes. READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ON Similar Posts:Tags: Cartridge Brass, Hunting Rifle, NRA Women, Pistol Shopping, Sighting-in

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