NRA World Shooting championship match report 2024

The 2024 NRA World Shooting Championship was held April 3-6, at Camp Atterbury near Edinburgh, Indiana. This 12-stage multi-gun event featured over $250,000 in cash prizes and cash. All firearms and ammunition, as well as optics and equipment, were provided by the NRA and other industry sponsors. We congratulate the winners of this year: Brian Shanholtz Nils Jonasson and Gregory Jordan. We also congratulate Lanny Barnes on capturing the High Lady Title, and Cole Shanholtz on winning the High Junior Title to complement his father Brian Shanholtz. “We extend our congratulations not only to the winners but also to everyone who participated in the NRA World Shooting Championships this year,” said Jens Kragh, V.P. Walther Arms’ vice president of marketing and product design, Jens Krogh, said: “We offer our congratulations to not only the winners but to everyone who competed in the NRA World Shooting Championship this year.” The NRA World Shooting Championship This championship is designed for individuals to be tested through multiple disciplines over three days of shooting. The competition is divided into two categories: Professional and Amateur. Cash and prizes totaling more than $250,000 are awarded to the winners of each category. Walther and sponsors provided ALL firearms and ammunition for the 12 stages. To be successful, competitors need to be proficient in all types of shooting — pistol, rifle, shotgun and both rapid fire, and precision. The stages were Sporting Clays (Cowboy Action), Precision Standing Air Gun (PRS), NRA Americas Rifle Challenge (NRA Precision Pistol), 3-Gun, Mid-Range AR-Tactical (FITASC), Biathlon, SASS(Cowboy Action), PRS and USPSA.

SEE 2024 World Shooting Championship Program

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