March 16, 2022, Ohio enacts Right to Carry Law, joining 22 other states. Governor Mike DeWine signed Senate Bill 215, which allows Ohio citizens to carry firearms. This “Constitutional Carry” legislation will allow Ohio’s law-abiding gun owner to carry a concealed firearm in their home without a permit. The NRA Institute for Legislative Action, (NRAILA) praised Ohio for this step. It joins 22 other states with similar Constitutional Carry legislation: “Any right that requires a fee or government permission slip doesn’t seem like a right at all.” Jason Ouimet, NRAILA executive director, stated that the NRA worked tirelessly to pass landmark legislation in Ohio. “The NRA congratulates Gov. DeWine signed this important piece legislation that protects the Second Amendment rights for all law-abiding Buckeyes. — NRA-ILAConstitutional carry allows anyone who is legally allowed to posses a firearm to carry that firearm without a state permit. It does not allow for new types of carry or expand firearm access. It was previously legal for law-abiding Ohio citizens, if the firearm was visible, to carry a firearm. With the passage of SB 215, law-abiding citizens can now carry concealed handguns without a permit. The 22 other states include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky and Maine.
The NRA thanks Ohio Governor DeWine, and Sen. Terry Johnson for their leadership in advancing self-defense for all Ohio citizens. Paneo Productions has created a series of instructional videos for handgun owners. The Handgun 101 video series, co-sponsored by Federal and Ruger, covers handgun and ammunition nomenclature as well as basic shooting skills and key considerations for concealed carrying. The series consists of three parts: 1. Introduction to Handguns; 2. A Concealed Carry Permit and 3. Introduction to Concealed Carry. These videos offer valuable information about gun handling and legal issues. These videos can be found on the Panteao website, along with other videos like On the Range With Larry Vickers.
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