Oregon Court Issues TRO Against Oregon’s Measure 114

December 8, 2022. Oregon gun owners have good news: on December 6, 2022, Judge Robert S. Raschio signed a Temporary Restraining Order. This order prohibits Oregon State officials, pending a hearing on a preliminary injunction next week, from enforcing antigun Measure 114. The Order stated that Measure 114 is a threat to Oregonians’ constitutional rights. “Absent Entry this Temporary Restraining Or, Plaintiffs will lose their right to bear arms pursuant To Or. Const. Art. 1, Sec. 1, Sec. Irreparable harm is when fundamental constitutional rights are denied for any length of time. “Counsel For Gun Owners of America (GOA), and Gun Owners Foundation(GOF) secured a TRO in state court. This prevented the entire Oregon gun control law being implemented. The order was signed by Judge Raschio and prohibits the state from implementing any part of the law until a hearing on a request for a pre-injunction is held next Tuesday. The measure failed in over 90% of Oregon counties, but passed due to concentrated Democratic party voters in Portland and a couple other urban areas.Oregon Measure 114 would:Ban magazines over 10 rounds.Require a permit to purchase any firearm.Require a training course, application fee, fingerprinting, and a duplicative background check to obtain the permit-to-purchase.Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, issued the following statement:
“This is an exciting victory in Oregon for our members as the clock was ticking on securing relief form the unconstitutional and onerous requirements this law would have placed upon current and future gun owners. We look forward to continuing our fight.”
Sam Paredes, representing the Board of Directors of the Gun Owners Foundation, also added:
“We are grateful for Judge Raschio’s prompt response to our request to a TRO on this draconian statute. We are fully prepared to continue the proceedings as we request a preliminary order at our hearing next Wednesday. “Similar Posts”:Tags Oregon, Oregon Gun Laws, Oregon Measure 114 and Oregon TRO, Second Amendment. Temporary Restraining Order

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