December 21st 2021. Want to learn the basics about position shooting? You should read an article by Gary Anderson (DCM Emeritus), in On the Mark digital magazine (Summer 2014. pp. 6-13). This article covers all the important elements: body position (prone or sitting, standing), sling adjustment, sight picture, aiming, and trigger control. This 8-page article was written specifically for Rimfire Sporter shooters. However, Anderson’s techniques can be applied to all types position shooting, regardless of whether you shoot air rifles or smallbore rifles.
NOTE: This large PDF document may take some time to load. Scroll down to page 6-13. Anderson explains how to aim. He explains how to keep your sights still and keep them centered in the middle of the target.
The index finger must move away from the trigger-guard as soon as the aim at the target starts. As soon as you start aiming, it is important to apply initial pressure to the trigger. The shooter should then focus on the sight image and center the sight picture movements above the aiming point. The aligned sights cannot be held still by anyone, even champion shooters. Depending on the shooter’s skill level, the sights will move slightly or a lot. Before you pull the trigger, it is important to center the sight picture movements above the target’s aiming point (see trace illustration). The last step in firing a shot is to add… smooth pressure to the trigger until the shot stops. Anderson also discusses the 5 Basics of Shot Technique.
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