We get asked by many visitors, “I have a.223 or.308 rifle. The 6BR will give you a consistently smaller group than your.223 or.308 (assuming it has a good barrel and trigger). The.308 Winchester is a superbly accurate rifle, there’s no doubt about that. But the 6BR has less recoil, which works to the shooter’s advantage over a long series of shots. If you are doing your job, a 6BR with premium barrels, a benchrest, and a high quality chambering job can deliver 5-shot groups between the mid-twos and high-twos with a Rem700 or Savage factory action. One 6BR rifle shoots Lapua factory loaded 6BR ammunition at low and high twos. We admit that this is exceptional, but it shows the 6BR cartridge’s inherent accuracy, even when loaded with factory loads.
Comparing the 6BR to the.223, it offers a better selection of high BC projectiles and will deliver significantly more power on the targets. It’s better for benchrest shooters and hunters who are shooting at 600 yards. Comparing the.308 win shooting 168gr matchkings with a 6BR shooting bullets 105-107gr, the 6BR offers better ballistics out to 1000 yards. Plus, the 6BR is easier to shoot for most people than a 308 Win. The recoil is about half that of a.308 Win cartridge. Both the.308 chambering and the 6BR chambering offer good barrel life. However, the 6BR uses less powder (15-18 grains) saving you money. The.308 Win, on the other hand, is the cartridge of choice for F-TR or Palma shooting. It may be more versatile for Long-Range competition. Which would you choose between the 6BR or the.308 cartridge? We think you should own both. The 6BR is our favorite cartridge for 500 yards and we prefer the.308 win for F-TR. The.308 win has shown outstanding accuracy as demonstrated last week at the NRA’s F-class Nationals.

The CMP Eastern Games Are One Month Ago; Register Today!
March 25th, 2025 CMP Eastern Games Are One Month Away — Register Now The CMP Eastern Games will run April 25 through May 4, 2025 at the Camp Butner Training