RIAC Premier Auction To Feature Collection Of Serial Number One Firearms

The December Premier Auction at Rock Island Auction Company will feature a large collection of prototype and serial-number one firearms. Jim Supica is also a passionate firearms collector. His main focus has been to collect unique early examples of guns. These include those that have serial number one for the make and model. Many of the guns in this collection were prototypes or experimental. Many have been featured in museums, television shows, and other publications. The collection will be available at the RIAC Premier Auction, December 9th through 11th. It includes approximately 70 guns in 47 listings. Here are a few:Charter Arms UndercoverThis Charter Arms Undercover was the first firearm ever made by the company. It has serial number 1 and was engraved and inlaid with gold by Al Herbert, a Colt master engraver. This Springfield Sharps Model 1870 2nd TypeBearing serial no. 1 of 300 was part of the trials that led to the adoption by the U.S. Army of the Springfield Trapdoor. It has a significant historical history and was displayed at the NRA National Sporting Arms Museum almost 10 years ago. This.50-70 Gov’t rifle is the first semi-auto AKM to have been imported into the U.S.A for commercial sale. These rifles were manufactured in Egypt using Soviet tooling. They were used in Red Dawn’s main AKM depiction. This particular example is in excellent condition and includes a bayonet. It has serial number S000001.Radom Vis 35This gun was part of the first shipment ever to the Uzi Model A Carbines to the U.S. Its serial number is SAO1001 and it includes corresponding documentation to prove when it was imported.For more information on the auction, or if you’d like to participate, please visit rockislandauction.com.Here is the full list of Supica Collection lots that will be featured in the RIAC December Premier Auction:SHARPS MOD. 1870 s/n1 – Lot 69 SN 1 U.S. Springfield Sharps Model 1870 2nd type Rifle Military IssueS&W MOD. #3.38 WIN s/n 1. Lot 78: Rare, Documented Colorado Shipped Serial No. 1 Smith & Wesson Model No. 3.38 Winchester Single Action Revolver With Factory Letter. S/N 1BROWN SUTHERNER s/n 1: Lot 108: Serial No. 1 Brown Manufacturing Co. Southerner DerringerPORTER TURRET CARBINEs/n 1: Lot 239: Serial No. 3 Model P.W. Porter Turret Carbine Military IssueMAUSER GEW 98 TARGET RIFLE s/n 1 – Lot 365: Haenel-Lorenz “Wehrmannsgewehr” Mauser GEW. 98 Target Rifle serial no. 1.S&W. 1 of 100MARLIN SPURTRIGGER RECOLVER s/n1 – Lot 112: First Production Attributed Marlin Number. 32 Standard 1875 Factory Engraved Revolver s/n1COLT1851 NAVY.40 cal – Lots 1346 and 1348: Serial Number 1 Westley Richards Royal Irish Constabulary Model Revolver. WILSON’S COLT OFFICERS.45 S/N RLW-1 – Lot 1608, Colt King Cobra Double Action Revolver with BoxR.L. DAN WESSON.357 MAG 1AB – Lot 1646. Dan Wesson’s Model W12 Double Action Pistol with Box.357 AMP PISTOL S/N WJD001 – Lot 1649. Prototype Seecamp Co. LWS PistolOMC BUACKUP.380 MAG S/N AB-01 – Lot 1652. Lot 1637: Serial Number 1 Smith & Wesson/Wells Fargo Model 1 Smith &A Single Action Revolver. S/N 1RADOM9MM S/N D0001 Lot 3358: World War II German Occupation Radom Vi 35 Pistol. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

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