Ruger is now making the Marlin 1895 Guide Gun lever action rifle in.45–70 Gov’t available once more. Ruger has been gradually bringing back Marlin’s most popular lever action rifle models since Marlin was purchased. The 1895 SBL will be available in late 2021. The Ruger-made Marlins look almost identical to the older Marlin rifles, but they are manufactured using Ruger’s more advanced manufacturing process. The rifle ships with a thread protector. It also features a checkered brown laminate barrel and a satin-blued finish to most of its metal components. The bolt is nickel-plated for smoother cycling. The bolt is nickel-plated for smoother cycling. It also features semi-buckhorn sights and a soft rubber recoil pad. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

Discounts of the Week on DealFinder 493: AccurateShooter
March 3rd, 2025 BargainFinder 493: AccurateShooter’s Deals of the Week At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we