Safariland SafariVault Duty holsters Now Available

Safariland has just started shipping its new SafariVault line of retention duty holsters, featuring increased crush resistance and other improvements.Duty-style holsters aren’t just for law enforcement anymore, as many civilian shooters have been using them for competition, training and other activities for years now. This holster is fast to access, has solid retention, and can be used to carry full-sized or accessorized handguns. Safariland has been the leading manufacturer of duty holsters over the years. But Safariland’s new SafariVault range is set to change all that. It claims the SafariVault line has the “strongest holster body” it has ever produced. The design’s increased structural integrity reduces flex and increases their impact and crush resistance capabilities. It was tested to 300 pounds. The holster can also be used in temperatures between -50F and 150F. It can be used with weapon lights, muzzle devices and red dot sights (both closed-emitter and open-muzzle) They also have a removable, self-clearing optics covering. The holsters have a magnetic slide guide for holstering, an automatic tension device to remove rattle, and a more accessible ALS release mechanism. All SafariVault holsters use the Safariland 3-hole mounting pattern and are compatible with existing holster attachment accessories.Eric Gasvoda, GM of Duty Gear for Safariland, said this about the new holsters:SafariVault offers uncompromising strength and incorporates the adaptability required for use with an ever-expanding array of lights and optics, without sacrificing peak performance.SafariVault holsters are shipping now, and current handgun fits include the most popular Glock and Shadow Systems models. MSRP starts at $190. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. This is a great option for long-range shooting. Enter your email address below.

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