January 8, 2022 Saturday at the Movies: Five Informative Videos for Beginners 2022The online video format offers a superior way to present information about reloading techniques and rifle maintenance, marksmanship skills and scope operation. It can be difficult to choose the best videos for competitors and serious shooters from the millions of videos available on YouTube. This Saturday’s Movies Series is why we offer it. Each week, we will choose a selection of informative videos from knowledgeable handloaders and shooters. Here are the first five Saturday Select videos of 2022. Reading the Wind — How To Determine Wind Speed Keith Glasscock, a top-tier F-Class shooter, has been second at multiple F-Class Nationals. Keith is also a respected wind coach who has a background in commercial aviation. He really knows wind and weather. This video explains how to read wind speed. He points out that the wind speed can vary between the targets and the firing line so you cannot rely on the Kestrel in hand. Keith shows you how to see multiple signs (including flags and grass movement) to better understand wind velocity. Keith has more videos on his Winning in Wind YouTube channel. F-Class John reviews Rodzilla’s T-Rex frontrest. This joystick front rest is a significant innovation. The T-Rex’s new design, Rod Brackage (“the Rod” in Rodzilla”), offers incredible capabilities that will enhance your shooting experience. F-Class John tried this rest during the F-Open competition. He really liked it. Click HERE to see John’s full review, including three videos and many additional photos. How BAT Actions are Made and BAT Factory Tour Ultimate. Gavin Gear is a respected and skilled video producer. This video by Ultimate Reloader shows how top-end BAT rifle action are made using modern CNC machinery. This is Gavin’s most viewed video, with over 763,000 views. This video will show you how to accurately rifle for benchrest, F Class, Long Range, PRS/NRL, and benchrest. You can also visit Gavin’s YouTube Channel for a variety of informative and well-made videos. Do you take your dog hunting or to the shooting range with you? Dogs also need hearing protection! Your dog’s hearing can be permanently damaged by loud gunshots from rifles, pistols, and shotguns. Mutt Muffs are earmuffs that protect dogs from hearing loss. The Precision Riflecraft video shows how to fit Mutt Muffs on your dogs and how to make your canines comfortable with the muffs. These are available in five sizes (XS to L), and cost less than $60 on Amazon. Bryan Litz Lesson: Bryan Litz is an engineer and rocket scientist who was a past national F-TR champion. He is also the founder and CEO of Applied Ballistics LLC, the world’s largest source of ballistics-related software. AB software is now integrated into Kestrel handheld wind reading units. The accompanying Applied Ballistics apps can be accessed on your mobile device. Bryan demonstrates how to use ballistics solutions to determine your bullet’s drift and drop at long range. You can also access the excellent JBM Balistics Solver online, which is free if you don’t have the AB app on your smartphone.
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