Saturday at the Movies – Reloading for.45 ACP Cartridge

January 15th, 2022 Saturday at the Movies: Reloading the.45 ACP Cartridge. Today we present five YouTube videos that demonstrate basic reloading techniques. This article will focus on the.45 ACP cartridge as it is a good choice for beginners. Because of its large case diameter and large primer pockets, the.45 ACP cartridge is easy to reload. We recommend that new reloaders start with the.45 ACP cartridge. The.45 ACP cartridge is a great choice for beginners to hand-loading. Although the case is quite small, it has a large diameter and minimal taper. This makes it easy to see inside. This allows you to quickly check the powder levels.
2. Many powders, including the.45 ACP, will fill the case to over 60%. If you double-charge accidentally, you will have obvious overflow.

3. The.45 ACP round is extremely accurate, despite operating at low pressures.

4. Good quality.45 ACP brass is durable, easy to size, and can be used for many reloads.

5. Excellent.45 ACP revolvers can shoot the round with moon clips.

6. Large pistol primers are used for most.45 ACP brass (although there are some smaller primer pockets varieties). Large primers are easier for us to handle than small primer pockets. It was adopted by Colt after successful military trials. We recommend Vihtavuori N320. This powder is extremely accurate and burns cleaner that other good powders like Accurate (AA), No. 5 and Unique.Basic reloading for.45 ACP Cartridge. This is the most viewed.45 ACP video on YouTube. This video is intended for novice or potential reloaders. It covers the basics of case inspection, cleaning and trimming, as well as priming, powder filling, bullet seating and crimping. The video creator says that trimming pistol/revolver brass is optional, and rarely necessary. It was what I did when I first started reloading. Before I discovered that handgun brass doesn’t stretch as well as bottleneck rifle brass, I included it. “How to Reload.45ACP Start to Finish — Tutorial For Newer Reloaders” This video is a detailed 30-minute tutorial that shows you how to reload. The cases are sized and the bullets are seated using a single stage RCBS press. Prime the cases using an RCBS hand priming tool that keeps multiple primers in a tray. This is a better way to save time than using the press’s own priming system. Safety First when Loading All Cartridges. We also have two videos that focus on safety while reloading. Gavin Gear from UltimateReloader explains how to check your cartridge while it is being loaded to avoid squib loads or other defects. Hunter Pilant, Starline Brass tech, explains how to avoid double-charges in the second video. Every round you load must be checked for powder levels. Before you place a bullet, visually check the powder level. Or, if you have a progressive press, a lock-out tool that monitors powder levels can be used. This is important as a squib load, with little or no powder, can cause a bullet to lodge in the barrel. A Kaboom can result from a subsequent full-sized, live round. Important tip: Do not use bulky powders that fill more than half of your case with the correct charge. Double-charging will cause the case to overfill, making it difficult to load. This is one way to avoid making a huge [mistake]” (Hunter Pilant and Starline). A bulky powder with a high fill level will be easier to see in the case. While progressive presses can increase your ammo output by a lot, there are important safety considerations. Be careful with priming and powder levels. Gavin Gear demonstrates how to safely reload with a Dillon progressive press 550B. The Dillon 550C is the equivalent model. .45 ACP Ammunition Guide — Nosler data There are many powder options available if you “roll your own”. Vihtavuori No.320, AA No. 5 and Hodgdon TITEGroup, but there are many good options. These three powders are listed, along with many others, in the Nosler.45 ACP LoadData Charts. Below are the Nosler guides for 185gr and 230gr bullets. To access/download printable PDF files, right-click on each image. Click for PDF File

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* CCI and other companies now manufacture.45 ACP brass with small PRIMER POKETS. Check all cases for primer size before you buy new brass. Separate large and small parts in two groups. It is possible to jam a large primer in a small hole. This can cause detonation or worse. Be careful!

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