SEB Joy-Pods are on the Way Soon — WooHoo!

October 6, 2022. Here’s some great news for FTR and long-range competitors. The SEB Joy-Pods are ready to ship. These superb joy-stick-controlled bipods, made by SEB Rests Indonesia, are highly regarded by F-TR competitors. They are also great for informal bench shooting, varmint shooting from the truckbed or ground, and even casual bench shooting. We know of Joy-Pod users who have used them with.22 LR rifles at rimfire benchesrest matches. The Joy-Pod’s geometry is excellent, but Sebastian Lambang, the designer, has made minor changes to the main support arms. The horizontal arms are slightly flatter (more horizontal). This allows the whole unit to ride lower if needed. The photo below shows the two Joy-Pods. The older design is at the rear, while the new Joy-Pod is at the front. The new Joy-Pod is about 1.2? Lower at the lowest setting.
Ernie Bishop, the US SEB USA representative, sells Joy-Pods and Mini-X, NEO, and other SEB Rest products in the United States. Ernie can provide information about the current pricing and delivery dates. For ordering information, visit

Similar Posts:Tags: Ernie Biship, Joy-Pod, Joystick Bipod, SEB Rests, Sebrests-usa

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