January 19, 2023SHOT SHOW 2023 Day 3 — Video showcaseSHOT Show is one the largest trade shows of the year for ALL industries. There are thousands of exhibitors this year spread over two exhibit halls that have a combined area of 14 football fields. YouTubers have been hard at work finding new products in the many aisles. Today, we present some noteworthy videos from SHOT Show 2023. Backfire, a popular YouTube channel devoted to guns with over 600,000. subscribers, is the first video in our showcase. This video features 36 new rifles and pistols as well as shotguns. Scroll down to see a dozen more videos that highlight a wide range of new firearms and the all-new Mark 7 GeneSYS progressive press. 36 New Guns at SHOT Show 2023 It will take you a while to watch this 17-minute Backfire Channel video. But it is worth it. The hosts discuss three dozen firearms from multiple manufacturers. There are tactical rifles and hunting rifles as well as modern sporting rifles. The SHOT Show attendees were also surprised to see the Pursuit Line Bolt Gun, a bolt-action rifle from Stag Arms. The rifle has a pivot pin behind it that allows for quick and easy stock changes. This new bolt-action rifle has many other features. Highlights include the S&W 5.7 pistol (1.50 time-mark, also see S&W video above), that shoots the high-velocity FN 5.7x28mm cartridge. A nice Beretta BX-4 Compact Carry with factory Red Dot sight (1.12) is available for CCW. The Girsan Hi Power clone (0.17) is a great choice for a “Show Off” pistol. The massive S&W 350 Legend revolver (1.29) will be appreciated by revolver enthusiasts. Benelli introduced new shotguns as well as an upgraded version of its handsome LUPO Rifle. Benelli increased the number of LUPO chamberings available to include 6.5 Creedmoor and.308 Win,.306 Springfield, and.300 Mag. Benelli’s BE.S.T. was featured on the LUPO. (Benelli Surface Treatment) is a 25-year guarantee against rust and corrosion. BE.S.T. BE.S.T. is high-gloss unlike Cerakote. This proprietary finishing technology is a combination of Physical Vapor Deposition and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), which applies a protective coating on parts. The PECVD and PVD processes use electricity, radio frequencies, plasma, and vacuum to deposit a protective coating on the parts. This video shows a variety new Benchmade knives for 2023. These knives will soon be available, but you can still check out all the latest Benchmade knives at the KnifeCenter website. New Savage 1911 Pistol Rifle-maker Savage Arms now produces a 1911-type pistol. It looks great. It features ambidextrous controls and nice sights. The new Savage 1911 is made from stainless steel and features a dual recoil spring as well as a machined sear, disconnector, and sear. It is available in three styles: Black Nitride (Stainless), Stainless and Two-Tone. MSRP is $1499.00. Amy Sweezey, SHOT Show’s Amy Sweezey, visited the Lyman booth in order to see Lyman’s Mark 7 progressive loader presses. The Mark 7 line is very advanced. The automated Mark 7 GENESYS presses can be controlled via a keypad to produce a shorter or longer stroke for pistol ammo, or a longer stroke for rifle cartridges. The output is 2500 rounds an hour for pistol, 2000 rounds an hour for rifle. LymanProducts.com has more information about the GENESYS and Mark 7 progressives. James Reeves interviews Shane Coley, a champion shooter, in this episode of TFB-TV. Glock’s new factory-built Performance Trigger is the key topic. Yes, Glock now makes a high-performance trigger for its Gen 5 pistols. Shane provides all the details, including a surprisingly affordable price. This new trigger should be available soon.QUICK FLIXRise Armorement Iconic 2-StageAR Trigger
[embedded contents] Henry Homesteader Semi Auto 9mm Rifle
[embedded material] LEFT: Rise Armament claims that this is the first AR-platform rifle-specific “mechanically independent” trigger. The first stage weighs 1 pound, while the second stage weighs 2 lbs for a total of 3-pounds. The video shows a quick reset that is useful for tactical games and 3-gun competition. This PCC (Pistol Carbine Caliber) shoots pistol ammo 9x19mm (9mm Luger). As you can see, the recoil is very low. The new Henry rifle was loved by the test subjects. READ the full report.Shadow Systems Pistols[embedded Content] [embedded Content]BONUS Last year video of ELR shooting at Raton in New Mexico. This 2022 SHOT Show TV clip features a great sequence featuring Cutting Edge Bullets big-bore rifles firing at extreme long range in Raton. This video is a great introduction to ELR shooting. If you look closely, you will see advanced optics, Doppler radar, and other high-tech equipment.
Similar Posts:Tags : Benchmade Knives. Benelli. ELR Raton NM. Genesys Progressive Press. Glock Trigger. Lyman Mark 7. S&W 5.7. Savage 1911. Shadow Systems Pistols. SHOT Show 2023. Stag Arms.