Shotgun Photo by Superior Security Concepts Many Americans are looking at armed self defense more seriously due to the rising crime rates in America. We understand that citizens in big cities are more concerned about protecting themselves, their families and their homes or businesses than ever before. Shotgun vs. Which is better for home security? Both sides have strong opinions about this question. We think that the best answer is “both”. In some situations, a pistol comes in handy. But there are also situations where the power and lethality of a shotgun is more important. Some people would argue that a shotgun has an “intimidation factor” that can resolve a situation without firing a shot. The NSSF has produced an interesting video in collaboration with Thunder Ranch Training Center that examines the Shotgun vs. Handgun debate. The Cheaper Than Dirt blog notes that “the primary argument against a shotgun is its longer length, which leads to less maneuverability”. The pistol is more maneuverable, but does not have the stopping power as a shotgun. Some critics also claim that the pistol is less accurate. This NSSF video examines the question logically, and makes some surprising points. You can see from this still frame (above), that the shooting stance for the pistol shooter, Clint, is not much more compact than the two shotgunners’ (compare the actual muzzle positions). Some people may not realize that a shotgun is more useful inside the home than they think. Clint concludes the gun debate by saying that it can be solved with just one question: “If someone were to run across your bedroom with a large knife, would you shoot him once with a pistol? Or one time with the shotgun?” Once you answer this question you will understand why the length of the shotgun doesn’t bother us. We use these [shotguns] in a slightly new way …” Thunder Ranch Director Clint Smith explains in this video why the overall shotgun length, when held in firing stance against the shoulder, does not seem to be that much longer than the “shooting position length” of a pistol held in the proper firing position with arms extended. Gun length/size shouldn’t be a deciding factor in choosing a firearm to use for home defense. Whatever Weapon You Select — Train With It
Fundamentally, it is important to use a firearm that you are familiar with and have been trained with regularly. It is important to become second-nature with a defensive firearm, whether it’s a shotgun or a handgun. You should be able operate all controls (safety lock, pump, decocker slide, bolt handle, etc.). You should be able to operate all the controls (safety, pump, decocker, slide and bolt handle etc.) “instinctively” after hours of training. You should also know how to use the laser/light if your defensive weapon is equipped with one. You should also be able reload your firearm in the dark and fix malfunctions without getting panicky.