December 1, 2022 – Sinclair International has created a series instructional videos that explains the basics of metal cartridge reloading. The 8-part series covers reloading basics and gives step-by-step instructions to help new reloaders get started. The animations show you the inside of the chamber during shooting and the dies during each stage of reloading. You can view the videos on Sinclair International’s YouTube channel. Below is the first Sinclair video. Each Sinclair video is hosted by Bill Gravatt, then Sinclair Int’l President (now with Creedmoor Sports). Bill doesn’t just show “how”, but he also explains “why”. The how-to segments include case inspection, proper die setup, case sizing and primer installation, bullet seating, crimping and powder measuring. Gravatt stated that the goal was to show shooters who have never reloaded the benefits of making their own ammo, and how easy it is to start. “Gragatt said that they didn’t want to tell them they needed to have a particular brand or type of equipment. “The Eight Video Topics are:Part 1 — Intro Video Series
Part 2 — Intro to Reloading Safety
Part 3 — Metallic Cartridge Components
Part 4 — The Firing Sequence Part 5. Part 5 — Tools to Reload
Part 6 — Loading Bottle-Neck Cartridges (2 Videos)
Part 7 — Loading Straight-Wall Cartridges
Part 8 – Reloading Series Conclusion Reloading tools
Below is Part 5, which covers precision reloading. Part 4 Video is also recommended to those who are just starting reloading. This “How Things Work” segment explains the sequence of events that occur inside the chamber (and barrel), when the cartridge fires. The video also includes helpful graphics that explain what happens to the primer powder, bullet, cartridge, and bullet after the round is fired. The video also demonstrates “headspace” and explains why it can change after firing. This video will answer many common questions and help reloaders understand how brass reacts to firing.
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