Six Great Books on Handgun Marksmanship Skills for Pistoleros

May 21, 2022 – A Forum member asked: “Are any good books about pistol marksmanship?” I’m looking for a book that covers techniques ….”. Here are six titles that will help you become a better pistol shooter. These books cover everything from basic handgun training to Olympic-level Bullseye shooting.
Many books are available that can help novice and advanced pistol shooters improve their skills. The NRA Guide to Basic Pistol Shooting is a good choice for new pistol shooters. This full-color publication serves as the student “textbook” for NRA Basic Pistol shooting Course. Even though the book is small, it can be used to guide you through the ranks. It is an excellent resource. If you are interested in bullseye firing, you should purchase the USAMU’s The Advanced Pistol Marksmanship Manual. Since the 1960s, this USAMU pistol marksmanship manual has been a reliable resource. Action shooters should read Practical Shooting: Beyond Fundamentals and Practical Pistol: Ben Stoeger. Brian Enos is a well-known competitor in pistol shooting with many titles. Ben Stoeger is a U.S. two-time champion. Practical Pistol shooting champion. Julie Golob’s SHOOT book, which covers pistol marksmanship and 3-Gun competition, is a must-read. Julie holds several national pistol shooting titles. Jessie Harrison is one the most accomplished female pistol shooters on Earth. Jessie gives smart tips for buying a handgun and starting in competition. Jessie discusses handgun fit/ergonomics and concealability, as well as holster options and other important factors. Similar Posts:Tags: 40sw, 9mm, CCW, Concealed Carry, Handgun, Jessie Harrison, Julie Golob, Massad Ayoob, Pistol dry fire, Pistol Training, Revolver

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