Sunday Gunday: Shiraz F-Open Dynamic duo –.30 Cal & 7mm

September 26th, 2021 Sunday Gunday Shiraz’s F Open Dynamic Duo –.30 cal and 7mm Pair Premium F-Open Rifles With Kelbly Golden Bear Actions Report By Shiraz Balolia CEO Grizzly Industrial
This project began two years ago when I decided that I would build two new rifles using the Cerus riflestock chassis. I had my own highly-figured woods, and I sent them to Will at Cerus Rifleworks. Two very nice-looking stock blanks were returned to me within a few months. Unfortunately, they were not made for regular recoil pad systems. I was going to install R.A.D. I forgot to mention it to Will. The thumbhole slot for the adjustment button was also through-cut on both sides. It was placed in a way that would not interfere with the R.A.D. recoil system installation. Some serious modifications were required. Modifying Cerus Stocks and installing the R.A.D. Modifying the Cerus Stocks and Installing the R.A.D.

I first plugged the thumbhole slots in each bank. Then, I installed decorative caps made of highly-figured contrasting timbers. I wanted the thumb-knob adjustment to work with only one finger, so I moved the entire system forward and to my right. I was now able install the R.A.D. I was now able to install the R.A.D. without interfering in the cheekpiece adjustment. Next, I installed the bottom track wider for my rear bag and also carved the finger grooves into the grip. The blanks were quite large so I removed approximately 2 inches from each stock’s front end and also deepened my tracking cavity under the foreends. I decided to inlay my name in Mother of Pearl on the Walnut stock. Two World-Class Tack-Drivers with Gold Kelbly Actions

The two sequentially-numbered Golden Bear F-Class actions (057 and 058) arrived from Kelbly at different times and the stocks were sent to Alex Sitman at Masterclass Stocks for bedding the actions into the stocks. Alex has done many of my rifles’ pillar bedding for many years and does an excellent job. Sims Guitar Finishing applied a clear coat with a “wet look” finish to the stocks. Dave, our top engineer at Grizzly Industrial, chambered the barrels in-house. Dave chambered all of my rifles in recent times. Gordy Gritters has trained both him and me in precision chambering. Finally, the rifles had been assembled and scopes installed. They were then tested. Both rifles are tack-drivers designed for top-level competition. Rifle #1 – Walnut Stocked .300 Shiraz o Chambered for .300 Shiraz (modified .300 WSM)

o Stock made from highly-figured Walnut with Curly Maple inner laminates

Kelbly Golden Bear F Class action

o Bartlein 1:10?-twist barrel, 31? length

Master scope 10-60x56mm high, Barrett rings

A Bald Eagle tuner

o Jewel trigger Rifle #2 – Curly Maple Stocked .284 Shiraz o Chambered for .284 Shiraz (modified .284 Winchester)

o Stock made from Curly Maple inner laminations as well as Walnut, Wenge inner laminations

o Accents, inlays, and the base shoe are made from Curly Koa wood

Kelbly Golden Bear F Class action

o BRUX 1?9?-twist barrel 31? Länge

Master scope March 10-60x56mm high Master scope with March rings

A Bald Eagle tuner

o Jewel trigger Two Improved Cartridges –.300 Shiraz, and.284 Schiraz. Each rifle has its own “Improved” cartridges. The.300 Shiraz is used in the dark walnut rig. It is based on.300 Winchester Short Magnums (WSM). The maple 7mm runs.284 Shiraz, which is derived from the Winchester.284 Winchester. These two improved cartridge designs were developed by Shiraz to improve the performance of parent cartridges. They are very popular among F-Open competitors. The.284 Shiraz is similar to the.284 Shehane wildcat. Information about the.300 Shiraz Load: Shiraz loads his Shiraz with Berger 215gr hybrids, CCI-BR2 Primers and Hodgdon HD4350 Powder. This load produces groups below quarter-MOA. .284 Shiraz Load Info: The.284 Shiraz (shown above) is loaded with Berger Hybrids 180gr, again with CCI BR2 Primers and H4350 powder. This handsome 7mm rig, like Shiraz’s.30 caliber rifle, has sub-quarter-MOA grouping capabilities.

This stock is made of Curly Maple with Walnut, Wenge and inner laminations. Curly Koa wood is used for accents, inlays, and the base shoe. Shiraz Balolia Shiraz Balolia, founder and CEO of Grizzly Industrial. He is also one the USA’s top F-Class shooters. He was a Team USA member, F-Open Team USA Captain and he has won three consecutive Canadian F-Open Championships in individual competition (2014, 2015 and 2016). The Canadian Three-Peat is a testament to Shiraz’s long-range shooting ability. The video below shows Shiraz working with Palma Team Coach Gary Rasmussen. Shiraz shows how a shooter and a coach work together with the target at 800 yards. Three cameras are used to show the target, the shooter and the spotter’s eye view. This video begins with a lesson in target reading. Then Shiraz and Gary work together for wind judgment. Watch as Shiraz hits ten consecutive “10 point” center hits at 800 yearsds. The video also shows the bullet placement after each shot. This video is highly recommended to all long-range competitive shooters as well as coaches. Shiraz (top right) is with Team Grizzly. This is the 2018 U.S. F-Open Championship Team. Members are: Shiraz Balolia, Emil Kovan, David Mann, John Myers, Trudie Fay (Coach). Similar Posts: Tags: .284 Winchester, .300 Shiraz, 300 WSM, Cerus Stocks, Shiraz Balolia

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