The V2 Finale was held in Texas last weekend. This double-elimination game is the culmination for the F-Class Point Series held around the country. The F-Class Points Series V2 finale was held at the Bayou Rifles Juliff Range, Rosharan, Texas, from May 23-26 2024. This is a unique event with head-tohead pairs competitions from start to finish. The event was attended by many former National Champions and top F-TR and F-Open shooters. This year’s conditions were very tough, with hot and humid weather. To learn more about the F-Class Point Series visit We congratulate Norm Harrold, in F-Open division, and Scott Kyle, in F-TR. V2 2024 Finale F-TR Results F-Open third-place finisher Erik Cortina told us: “The fourth Vihtavuori V2 Finale was a success. Bayou Rifle Club was a challenging range that produced many nail-biting matches. After three days, two shooters emerged victorious. Norm Harrold was the winner of F-Open, and Scott Kyle took home F-TR”. Click HERE to view more photos of the recent competition.
The top V2 Finale F-Open competitors are shown here receiving their awards. From left to right: Norm Harrold, Doug Skogman (third), Peter Johns (3rd), Erik Cortina, Tim Vaught and Jay Christopherson. Joe Fairley, who finished second in the F-Open, is not present.
This Erik Cortina Video features interviews with top shooters, including Norm Hardold (F Open winner) and Scott Kyle (F TR winner). Both F-Class John videos below have music (very cool). High-Tech Hardware on Firing Line
On the firing line, there was some interesting hardware. The electronic target systems allowed competitors to see the shot locations/scores on their mobile WiFi devices. Many shooters had spotting telescopes that allowed them to monitor the weather and wind conditions at the 1000-yard range. Some shooters also used battery-powered portable fan to beat the heat.
Above Erik Cortina of Cortina Precision shoots his F Open rifle with SEB Neo-X Front Rest. Denys Beauchemin aka “Turbulent Turtle”, in our AccurateShooter forum, has provided match photos from 2024. Click HERE to view more photos from the 2024 V2 Finale Photos Archive.
Many Canadian F-TR shooters use a unitized base pad to support their bipods. This provided consistent support for both ski-type feet and smooth tracking. Match Organizers Thank Vihtavuori, Other Sponsors
“We are thrilled to extend our relationship with Vihtavuori through the 2024 V2 finale event!” Tod Hendricks of the F-Class Point Series said that Vihtavuori’s direct support was instrumental in bringing to life this event and supporting its growth. Vihtavuori is the lead sponsor of the V2 Finale. Their generosity will ensure that events such as ours flourish and offer new and exciting experiences in the competitive sports arena. Our friend F Class John was the Match Director. This was a high tech match with video cameras, electronic target monitors and other high-tech equipment. Above is the main video recorder station at the firing line. Erik Cortina used this to monitor/record match videos. The video below shows Bayou Rifles Juliff’s 1000-yard range, where the V2 Finale took place. F-Class Rules and Course of Fire for the F-Class Series The F-Class Series is an annual F-Class leaderboard and points system that culminates with the V2 Finale. This matches F-Class competitors in a bracket style double elimination match. Sixty four competitors, 32 from each class (F/Open and FT/R), will be invited to the Finale on the basis of their ranking in the series. Since the V2 series’ inaugural series in 2021 partnerships have been established in Canada, South Africa Italy and Australia. The 2024 Finale took place May 23-26, at Bayou Rifles near Rosharon in Texas. Click HERE to view the V2 Finale rules and F-Class Series. For more information on the F-Class Points Series and V2 Finale, visit This new format pits F Class competitors against each in a bracket style double elimination match. The 32 elite competitors per class are selected by a previous Points series. In the past, targets were set at 1000 yards. In a first for an American F Class match, the V2 Finale will feature PAIR FIRING. Shooters will face off with each other and alternate shots. The course of fire listed for 2024 is 3.1. The listed course of fire for 2024 is: 3.1.