February 26th, 2023Sunday gunday: Transformer — FTR Rifle Made from Varmint RigWe are experiencing a wicked winter in certain parts of the country. California is experiencing snowstorms and closed roads due to the winter storms. California is experiencing snowstorms and closed roads due to the winter storms.
This Sunday GunDay offers a little bit of beauty amid snow as an antidote for weather-related worries. A handsome rifle is showcased in a white winter wonderland. This handsome rifle was originally a.204 Ruger Rem VSSSF varmint rifle. This handsome rifle was originally a.204 Ruger Rem VSSF varmint rig. Brandon posted the image to our Pride and Joy Rifle Forum thread. He says that this is his first F-TR build. It started as a Remington.204 Ruger. John Pierce installed a new bolt handle, knob, and blue-printed the action. Speedy bushed it and bushed it. The rifle now has a Pac-Nor 3:6.5?-twist barrel in.223 Remington. It can shoot 90gr Bergers. Other components include a Kelbly KTS stock and a Phoenix bipod. The scope is also fitted with a Sightron 8 32x56mm SIII scope. Brandon said, “It took me a while to get this gun where I want it to be but it’s worth it.” Here’s the “before photo”: The Transformation — F-TR Comp Rig Made From Rem.204 Ruger Varminter
Report by Brandon Schlund
This rifle was originally a factory Remington VSSF II “plain Jane”. It was factory configured and I shot it on varmint hunting trips. The rifle was then converted into a Rem F-TR gun with a.223 Rem bolt face. It was logical to convert the rifle to a.223 Rem F-TR gun since it has the same bolt face. While I shot my.204 primarily on a Wyoming PD hunt, I decided to shoot a cartridge that could do double duty.
CLICK HERE to see a full-screen image. The first step in transforming the rifle was choosing a barrel. We ordered a Pac-Nor 1:6.5?-twist 3 groove, 30.5? Heavy Palma contour. This was then chambered using a PTG.223 ISSF regulator with 0.169? Freebore was used to run the.224 caliber heavyweights. Because my father and my brother Mark (aka Labrador2 AccurateShooter), both owned Kelbly-built F-TR rifles with identical barrels, I chose Pac-Nor. Mark and my father couldn’t be happier with their results. Pac-Nor offers great customer service and a quick turnaround. I sent the barrel along with the factory Remington 700 action to Kelbly’s, where they chambered and cut the threads. Kelbly’s took my action and I had them blueprint it. Next came a Kelbly KTS stock, complete with the adjustable cheekpiece and three-way buttplate. After putting Dad’s rifle and Marks gun behind you, there was no reason not to continue looking. The KTS stock is very comfortable with all its adjustments.
This rifle is a.223 Rem and has been very accurate. It can cut bullet holes at 100 yards (low twos are easy). Hodgdon H4895 is our best load. It comes with 90gr Berger VLDs and CCI BR4 primes. This load runs at 2835 FPS, but YMMV (remember that this is a LONG 30.5?” barrel). The Bergers are loaded at.008? In the lands with base to-ogive of 2.035? The loading process can be tedious, as it involves a lot of measuring and sorting. The steps are enjoyable for me, my brother Mark, and father Joe. The same load makes loading easier for our three.223 Rem matchguns. We use a Hornady Lock-N-Load progressive ammunition plant when loading for three guns. Our consistency is amazing with run-out being a mere.001 to.0015. We also turn necks, and weigh our primers. Is neck-turning and primer weighting really worth it? Is neck-turning and primer weighing really worth it?
Pierce Engineering, a Michigan company, has done a lot for our guns. The Pierce team glued a single-shot follower to the action and then bonded the action. The stock bolt handle/knob was too small to be comfortable in the KTS stock. Pierce added a longer handle to the bolt and a tactical knob. I then added a.223 Rem Lapua base to the knob.
The complete.223 Rem Rifle ready to shoot F–TR as equipped with 8-32X56mm Sightron, Phoenix Bipod and Phoenix Bipod weighs 17 pounds, 15 ounces. Flame Graphics by Camo Creek Hydrographics
After Pierce had inserted the action, the stock was sent by Camo Creek Hydrographics to Fenton, Michigan. Camo Creek Hydrographics applied the flame-style design through hydro-dipping. Pierce applied three coats clear to the stock. Clear-coating really enhanced flame graphics.Firing pin blasted by Speedy
Thomas “Speedy” Gonzalez received the bolt and had the firing pin hole bushed. Otherwise, the load could cause serious damage to the primers. This was a smart move, as I would be shooting heavy-weight.22 Cal bullets with a heavy load. Speedy also made his signature grooves in the bolt shroud, which looks incredible. His work is outstanding! His work is outstanding!
An F-TR rig requires a high-quality, high-magnification optic as well as a premium, wide base bipod. I installed an 8-32x56mm SIII Sightron. Another easy choice was the attractive price. My family also has four other Sightrons which work great. To attach a Phoenix Bipod, I installed a Picatinny rail at the fore end. I added short sections of aluminum arrow shaft to the Mariners wheel handles. This allows me to adjust the elevation without having to stretch forward. I also installed a Calvin Elite Timney Trigger set of 6 ounces. $2500.00 invested in Rifle Transformations and Upgrade
How much did it all cost? Brandon says that he has spent approximately $2500 on the rebuild of the gun, from a.204 Ruger up to the.223 Rem. “Bois Blanc Island, Michigan
Bois Blanc Island doesn’t have many amenities. However, we have the ability to shoot 550 meters at our gravel pit on state property. As you can see, it’s snowbound right now. It will be our training center closer to home in the spring.
It was warmer. It was a balmy 10 degree day when I took this picture.
Similar Posts:Tags :.223 Rem.204 Ruger. F-Class, F-TR. Hydro-Dip. Hydrographic. Kelbly’s. KTS Stock. Pac-Nor Barrel. Pierce Engineering. Remington VSSF. Sightron SIII.