Tackdriver II Multi-Discipline Match November 6-7, So. Carolina

October 30, 2021 – The Tack Driver Showdown, an all-comers rifle match, is unique. This multi-discipline match will reveal which rifle types are the most accurate, at least to 300 meters. The Tack Driver Showdown II will take place in Orangeburg, South Carolina, on Saturday, November 6th and 7, 2021. The organizers welcome all types of rifles (except railguns) and allow them to compete at 300m for score and group honors. This weekend’s event should see close to 100 competitors. Membership in an organization is not required. NOTE: Registration closes Wednesday November 3, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Contact Match Director Jim Cline at: 843-957-6546. Forum members can also send Jim Cline (aka jcline) a PM. You will see six PPC LV/HV rifles on the firing line, along with 30 BR score and rigs, 17-lb 600 yard and 1000-yard benchrest guns as well as F-TR rifles and F-Open rifles. There may even be an AR15 or two. The event’s purpose is to settle endless arguments about which guns are the most accurate. The 6PPC is the king of 100/200 group competition, while the 30BR rules 100/200 score. 6mmBRs, 6BR Improveds, and 6BR Rules 600-yard Benchrest are dominant. The.284 Win is F-Open’s leading cartridge, while various 6mms, 6.5mms, and PRS matches win.6mms. It will be interesting for us to see which bullet weights and chamberings “rule the roost at 300 meters. Jim Cline, Match Director, plans to post match results on AccurateShooter.com Forum. This Forum Thread contains more information. Tack Driver II targets are located at 300m (328 yards). This is not “mid-range” according to benchrest standards, but it should still be close enough to allow for the higher BCs of bullets shot by F Class and 600/1000-yard benchrest devices. Basic Information about the Tack Driver Shoot
There are two types of semi-auto gas guns and bolt-action rifles. There are no design limitations other than a maximum weight of 22 pounds and a maximum caliber of.338. Jeff Stover, past president of IBS, tells us that “We see the full range of the world’s most precise rifles on line: short and extended range benchrest rifles as well as F-Class, AR, tactical, and egg-shoot rifles. Below are the key rules. Semi-autos will require chamber flags. Otherwise bolts must always be out. Shooting is possible without being a member. The range will be open for practice and flag setting on Friday, November 13th at 12:00 noon. Cash payouts for the winners in both Score and Group

Jim Cline, Match Director, noted that the Grand Aggregate finishers will be paid for First through Fifth places in score, group, and fifth place. The match fee is $120 and includes a catered lunch on both days. Jim states that there will be an additional $30 cash option, $50 cash option, and $100 cash option. To get the $50 cash option, you must be in the $30 cash option. To get the $100 cash option, you must be in $50. 2021 Tack Driver II Showdown Rules

1. No membership is required for any organization.

2. There is no one-piece rest. All shooting will be done from benches. You can use a bipod, bags, or combination of rest.

3. You must aim the same gun at all targets. You must continue shooting the same gun at all targets if you experience a catastrophic failure. (This must be approved only by the match director. A scope change is required if the scope fails.

4. No electronic equipment will be allowed on the bench, or downrange.

5. You are not allowed to use spotting scopes on the bench.

6. Coaching is not allowed in any circumstance (except for youth).

7. Any legal gun can be legally 30 caliber or less with a maximum weight of 22 pound.

8. The committee will handle any protest and their decision is final! 2021 Tack Driver II Showdown Match Course of Fire

1. Competition will include 5 group targets and 5 IBS 200 yard score goals at 300 METERS.

2. All targets will be played in 7-minute matches. There will be no warm-up matches on either day. ALL

The scoring area of the target determines how many shots are counted.

3. Practice range will be available on Friday before the match, closing at 8:00 AM to set flags. Flag setting times are from 7-8 AM to 9-10 AM, 11am-12pm, and the

Range will be called cold at 3 :00 pm to close all practice.

4. We will set alternate targets every time:

Day 1: Score/Group/Score/Group/Score

Day 2: Group/Score/Group/Score/Group

5. For the second day of fire, we will rotate 10 benches.

6. The place at which each discipline finishes will determine the winner. If there is a tie, we will decide by the highest place of finish. If that fails to break it, we will move to the group place of finish.

Mid-Carolina Gun Club Covered Firing Line Photo taken at 2019 100/200m Score Nationals. Jim Cline informs us that preregistration is required. To reserve a spot, a $100 non-refundable deposit must be submitted with your form. Only 100 guns allowed! To reserve a camping spot, a $60 non-refundable deposit will be required. 13 sites have full hook-ups, 7 have power and water. You can also camp in your own tent. Jim Cline can be reached at 843-957-6546 for more information. You can also post questions on the Accurateshooter Forum Thread.

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