Taurus GX4 vs SW Shield Plus

We will compare the Taurus GX4 to the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus. Both guns were released at the same time, and both have a lot of features. The Taurus GX4 however, is a brand-new firearm that Taurus has built from scratch. Smith & Wesson Shield PLUS is a new product that uses the venerable SW Shield.
The size of the firearm is a different issue for each gun. We’ll cover that in detail in the Taurus GX4 vs Smith & Wesson shield Plus concealed carry segment below.
MetricsS&W Shield PlusTaurus GX4Weight w/ no mag (Oz)1816.6Weight w/ empty mag (Oz)20.718.6Weight w/ full mag (Oz)23.4Height (top of slide to bottom of magazine baseplate) (Inches)4.424.2Length (Inches)6.145.8Width of grip (Inches)1.080.99Width of slide (Inches)0.90.95Width across controls (Inches)1.031.06Taurus GX4 vs SW Shield Plus Concealed Carry
Both guns can be concealed carried. They might serve slightly different purposes. The Taurus GX4 could be used for pocket carrying, while the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus is likely to be too big for most pocket carry. However, it is possible for some people to do it, but not all. You will immediately notice that the Shield Plus grip and other dimensions are much more important than the GX4.
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The magazine holds ten rounds of the SW Shield Plus. The Taurus GX4 holds 11 rounds. The Shield Plus is almost one quarter inch taller than the Taurus GX4, when measured from the magazine’s bottom to the top of its slide. This dimension is crucial when concealing carry, especially when carried inside the waistband.
The grip width is another important dimension. The grip width on the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus measures almost one-tenth of a inch wider than that of the Taurus GX4. The Taurus GX4 is the best choice if you want a small gun that can be concealed and a good ratio of size to its capacity. The Taurus GX4 has a larger capacity and a smaller profile.
This is not the only thing you should look for when choosing concealed carry firearms. The Taurus GX is more than two ounces lighter when loaded with the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus. This may not seem like much, but it can make a huge difference when you do cardio or run, where the gun can move a lot within the waistband. When carrying unsupportive clothing, the lighter the gun is the better.
Ergonomics overall
One shooter’s ergonomics may not work for another. The ergonomics that feel best in your hand might not work for you. Not only does ergonomics define how a gun feels in your hand, but they also determine how you can use the gun to shoot it efficiently.
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The modularity aspect will make the Taurus GX4 different from the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus. The Taurus GX4 is among the first guns in its size class to offer interchangeable rearstraps. This is not a Smith & Wesson Plus feature. This is a small gun, so how useful is it? It’s possible, but it’s not a must-have feature. Taurus could even incorporate it.
The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus gives me the same feel as the GX4 for grip. These guns are similar in height but have a different ergonomic profile. The Taurus GX4’s trigger undercut is higher than the GX4. This allows me to use the same amount of my hand to grip the Taurus GX4’s grip as I can with a Smith & Wesson Shield despite being a quarter inch taller. The Smith & Wesson Shield’s ergonomics are a little more appealing. This is a product that I can see users liking more than the GX’s ergonomics.
Taurus GX4 on the other hand has an extremely well-designed set ergonomics. The grip is very tight due to the high undercut and the large bump at the rear. This firearm is easy to grip. This feature can be a great one for novice shooters. It forces your hand up high on the gun without any effort.
These guns have a different texture. Both guns have a sandpaper-like texture. However, the GX4 texture feels more like 600-grit, while the Smith & Wesson shield Plus texture feels more like 250-grit sandpaper. It’s more aggressive and may be too aggressive for some people when carried inside the waistband. It doesn’t bother me personally, but it might bother some users who are more sensitive. The Taurus GX4 on the other hand has an aggressive texture that is aggressive enough for shooting but not too bothersome when it comes to conceal carry.
The Smith & Wesson Shield is the winner if you prefer a more aggressive texture. The Taurus GX4 will appeal to those who prefer a more aggressive texture. I don’t see any advantage to the Smith & Wesson Shield’s more aggressive texture. Plus, the Taurus GX4’s texture is good enough.
Slide Taurus GX4 vs SW Shield Plus
These slides are different in design. Both slides have forward-cocking serrations. The Smith & Wesson shield’s are for aesthetics. Some of the Smith & Wesson Shield’s serrations are my favorites. The serrations on its front are only an eighth of an in height and are useless for press checks.
The Taurus GX4 slide, on the other hand, is slightly easier to rack and has better serrations. The slide on the Taurus is also wider, which gives you more to hold onto when cocking it. There is no comparison. When it comes to the slide, the winner is the Taurus GX4 vs Smith & Wesson Shield.
Both guns have basic sight options. The Taurus GX4 features a white dot in its front sight and horizontal serrations on the rear sight. The Shield Plus has three dots of white painted sights. Both guns have a square notch in their rear sight.
The Smith & Wesson Shield can be ordered with three dots and the same sight picture as standard sights. Personally, I don’t like any features or dots on the rear sight and prefer it to be blacked-out. My preference would be the sights on a Taurus GX4, but you may have different preferences.
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Aftermarket Sights Taurus GX4 and SW Shield Plus
Taurus was a genius and designed the Taurus GX4 to have Glock sight cuts. The Taurus GX4 is now compatible with any Glock sight. This is a must-have feature if you want the ability to swap out different sight options without having manufacturers adopt your cut. The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus, on the other hand, has a similar design and uses standard Smith & Wesson Shield sights. Although this is not a major problem, there will be fewer options available than the Glock. These guns are still the most popular.
Red-Dot Optics
Although it hasn’t been released yet the Taurus GX4 will soon be available in an optics-compatible model. The Smith & Wesson Shield PLUS is already available in Optics-Ready and accepts Shield RMSC style mountings. This gun will be compatible with sights such as the SIG Sauer ROMEO Zero or Holosun 507K. I expect the Taurus will have similar mounting options.
The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus will be your only choice if you are looking for safety. If you order the gun directly from the manufacturer, the thumb safety can be mounted on the right side. The thumb safety is not included in the version I have. I had originally planned to purchase the version with the thumb safety. However, when I went to my local gun shop, I discovered that the safety was so stiff that I couldn’t disengage. This disappointed me.
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My shop had several Smith & Wesson Shield Plusses that were connected to safety. It was very stiff and difficult to disengage. I have handled many Smith & Wesson Shields and have never had an issue with safety. This was a bit disappointing.
Trigger Taurus GX4 vs SW Shield PLUS
We’ll be comparing each trigger separately and then we’ll discuss how they compare to each other.
Smith & Wesson Shield Plus Trigger
The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus trigger shield is a great polymer-style trigger with a slightly flatter profile. Although it still has a curved trigger, the curve isn’t as severe as traditional-style triggers. It features a Glock-style trigger safety that is different from the Smith & Wesson Shield or M&P guns. This one is my favorite.
The pull itself begins with a light take up as you release the safety. The safety will stop when you reach a wall. This trigger is very nice. It’s perfect, light and predictable. It will also reset to the wall. There are zero creeps and then the trigger will break very nicely.
Taurus GX4 Trigger
The Taurus GX4 also features a polymer trigger that has a Glock-style trigger safety. This trigger is much more flat than the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus. This trigger shield is also very attractive. It has slightly less take up, and once you pull through it, you’ll reach a wall with a clean break. It will reset to the original wall. It’s a very clean break.
These two triggers are very similar, but I cannot decide which one I prefer. Both triggers are very impressive to me. The Taurus GX4 vs Smith & Wesson Shield Plus is a close match. There is no winner. It will all come down to personal preference as to which trigger shield you prefer. The resets and breaks are nearly identical.
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Slide Lock
The Taurus GX4’s advantage in this area is the slide lock. The Smith & Wesson Slide Lock is made of rolled sheet metal. While it’s easier to manually lock the slide back using these simple Smith & Wesson slides locks, it’s harder to drop it. It’s just a different design. The rolled sheet metal design can be easier for your hand slips, despite its texturing.
The Taurus GX4 has a slide stop with a polymer overmold and it’s perfectly designed. This design is amazing. It’s easy to drop with your thumb and is also easy to reach for shooters of different sizes. The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus is a little further forward. It might not work well for someone with smaller hands.
Magazine Release Taurus GX4 vs SW Shield PLUS
Both guns have reversible magazine releases. The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus magazine release is better. The front edge of the magazine release for the Taurus GX4 is slightly sharp. It can be annoying when pressing. Although it’s not a dealbreaker, it’s not as beautiful as the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus magazine release.
These magazines both drop fairly quickly. However, if your hands are larger than normal, your grip could prevent the magazine from falling free. I find these magazines drop easily for me around 90% of the time, but someone with larger hands may be unable to hold the magazine well.
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Magazine Well
These firearms have virtually identical magazine wells. They both have an interior bevel that makes it easier to load the magazine. Your hands will likely extend below the grip and act as a funnel or enhanced magwell to speed up the gun’s reloading.
Quality Taurus GX4 vs SW Shield Plus
These two guns are comparable in quality. I was impressed by how Taurus has improved the Taurus GX4’s quality. I can’t really say that there is any difference in quality and it would be difficult to give an advantage to one gun.
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Aftermarket Taurus GX4 vs SWSheld Plus
As we mentioned earlier, the Taurus GX4 has more aftermarket options. However, the Smith & Wesson® Shield Plus will have more options for accessories such as holsters. Despite this, there are still no holster options. Smith & Wesson made some changes to the Shield Plus so that it is not compatible with many older Shield parts. This is why the aftermarket on these guns will likely be very similar at the time this article was written.
The Taurus GX4 looks better to me aesthetically. It has a sleeker, modern look. The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus does not look great to me. The grip on the Smith & Wesson Shield series has always seemed a bit too big. It seems a little too large in comparison to the rest. These are both good-looking firearms, but they won’t win beauty contests.
SW Shield PlusIn Stock Shield Plus
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Shooting Taurus GX4 and SW Shield Plus
It was amazing how well the Taurus GX4 shot. It’s a flat-shooting gun with good ergonomics that allows for easy grip control. The Smith & Wesson Shield Plus may have a few issues with recoil impulse. The Smith & Wesson shield Plus has a larger bore axis, and the recoil assembly doesn’t do as well to dampen recoil. It was disappointing to see Smith & Wesson not work a little harder on this feature.
MSRP for the Shield Plus is $553, while it’s $393 on the GX4. The market is crazy at the moment and most guns are selling for or above MSRP. The GX4 will be regularly available for $350 once demand stabilizes. Smith and Wesson have a different approach to business. The Shield Plus will be available for $500 most of the year. It will likely be available for $440 when they offer a dealer incentive package. This is still $100 more than the GX4.
It’d be difficult to say that the Plus is as great a value dollar for dollar as the Taurus GT4. If ergonomics work better for your needs, the Plus is probably worth it. The GX4 is the best option if you are looking for the best value for your dollar.
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Pros and cons
SW Shield Plus Pros
Great triggerTaurus Pros
Great triggerSightsErgonomicsSW Shield Plus Cons
Taurus GX4 Cons
Articles with a shorter grip
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