Tech Tip: Use a magnifier to see balance beam scales better

June 2, 2022 Forum Member Boyd Allen uses his RCBS 10-10 balance beam to measure his loads and sort bullets by weight. However, he also has handy digital scales. Boyd finds that the balance beam scale works reliably, time after time. It also doesn’t suffer from drift and calibration issues that plague cheaper electronic scales. The end of the balance beam is now easier to see from Boyd’s normal position on the bench. Boyd explains that this set-up is made up of a cheap magnifier with positioning arms. It was probably made to magnify small objects and solder them. It is believed to have been purchased from Harbor Freight years ago. The mirror allows you to view the scale at eye level. The magnifier makes it easier to see. This simple enhancement is recommended for balance beam scales. The magnifier will speed up the process and give you greater assurance about your load weight.
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