Ten Essential Tips for Concealed Carry

Do you carry a concealed pistol often? You can then benefit from Beretta’s FREE 15-page ebook, Ten Essential Tips For CCW Holders. This eBook in PDF format helps gun owners choose the right handgun and holster, understand legal obligations and responsibilities and train effectively with firearms. This PDF eBook contains many useful tips, especially for gun owners who are weighing the pros and cons of carrying a handgun on a daily basis. Click Here for 10 Essential Tips For CCW Holders. As stated in the Beretta CCW booklet, “Carrying concealed handguns requires a certain level of confidence.” You must be confident in your understanding of laws and regulations. You need to be confident in your accuracy and trust that you are able to carry a gun securely, comfortably and effectively. You are unlikely to carry a gun if it is a burden.You may be surprised at how and when handguns are used for self defense. Most defensive uses occur at very close range, and the incident lasts only a few seconds. You must be prepared and practice drawing and aiming the weapon. Remember that shooting is only a last option if there is no safe retreat. 55% of gunfights occur in a distance between 0-5 feet.

20% of gunfights occur within 5-10 feet.

20% of gunfights occur between 10 and 21 feet.

95% of gunfights occur in a range between 0-21 feet. (Source: FBI)

In just 1.5 seconds, the average person can cover 21 feet.

Gunfights are usually over in 3 to 5 seconds.

Usually, 3 to 4 shots will be fired.

Most gunfights occur in low-light conditions.

One shot in four hits someone. Here are two (2) pages from Beretta CCW eBook.

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