The CDC addresses gun violence as a public health crisis by closing the back door

Enter to Win a Free Gun Friday! IWI’s soon-to-be released Masada Slim Pistol and Caldwell Emax Shadows Pro! Close (Photo by James Gathany of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: WikiMedia commons) While I don’t know who needs this, guns have nothing to do w/ infectious diseases. What is the Centers for Disease Control doing in trying to get into gun violence research? It may pretend that gun violence is a public health emergency, but it feels more like a backdoor attempt to control gun violence. Remember how much control they had in COVID? Think of that scenario, but with the Second Amendment. RELATED STORY OP-ED: Why I Don’t Trust the Anti-Gun CDC. The CDC Attempts to Paint Gun Violence As a Public Health Crisis. Since 1996’s Dickey Amendment, the CDC has largely stayed out of the gun control business. They are now back at it, having gained a taste of power and been encouraged by the anti-gun Biden administration. The organization is now focusing its attention on gun violence in America, as COVID is ending. There are no other infectious diseases that we need to be concerned about. According to the CDC, “In 2020 coincident with COVID-19 pandemic,” the firearm homicide rates increased nearly 35%. This was the highest level since 1994. There were widening disparities by race, ethnicity, and poverty. Although the firearm suicide rate was higher than that for firearm murder, it remained almost level overall, but increased among certain populations.” However, it appears that COVID is being used as a shoehorn to justify its involvement. Regardless of the reason, the organization is now involved. The Washington Times writes, “The CDC said the drivers for the increases are hard to pin down but it pointed to possible culprits: Widespread disruptions in health, social, and emergency services during the COVID-19 pandemic; strains in law enforcement-community relations reflected in protests over the police and its use of lethal force; increases in gun purchases; and violence between intimate partners.” After reading the list of possible drivers for the increase, it’s almost laughable to hear CDC Director Rochelle Walensky say: “The tragic and historic increase in firearm homicide and the persistently high rates of firearm suicide underscore the urgent need for action to reduce firearm-related injuries and deaths.” This begs the question, what kind of action is she talking about? The CDC’s actions led to the CDC naming the drivers. They might want to put this one aside. The NRA suggests that we focus on facts. While the CDC wants to force a public-health approach, the NRA suggests that we look at other causes. Lars Dalseide, NRA spokesperson, told the Washington Times that “Communities across the country chose defund law enforcement and elect soft-on crime prosecutors, prematurely free dangerous prisoners, and institute no cash bail. No one should be surprised to observe an increase in violent crime.” The NRA claims that this is nothing more than a pivot to COVID. The CDC has been trying to take control of other aspects people’s lives. Gun deaths are not a “public health problem” as much as automotive deaths. According to the National Safety Council 42,060 people died as a result from auto accidents in 2020. This is slightly less than the 43 595 gun-related deaths in 2020, more than half of which were suicides. But, no one is calling to tighten driving regulations. Walensky spoke loudly to prove that this is about control, not preventing gun violence. According to Walensky, “Emerging data suggests that we must radically increase the nation’s investment into this research to help curb gun murders and a near-record amount of gun suicides within our nation.” I believe we all recall what happened when the CDC “radically increased” its involvement in our lives. We still have to recover from its radical involvement. A Real Focus Gun violence is a public health problem, but neglecting other forms of violence is a waste. Nothing will change unless our public officials start to see violence in America as a whole. Our cities will continue to decline and violent crime will increase. It is clear that the CDC does not want to reduce gun violence. Instead, it wants to weaken our Second Amendment. It is a time when people most need it and they are exercising this right in record numbers. CCRKBA’s Alan Gottlieb says that it is not surprising that more Americans are purchasing guns for personal and family security. And just like clockwork, here comes the CDC with research focusing on guns that appears tailor-made for the gun prohibition lobby’s crusade to add even more restrictions on a constitutionally-protected right. We shouldn’t be looking at new ways to disarm people in a time of rising violent crime.” I am very concerned by the CDC’s designation of gun violence as a public safety threat. It feels like an attempt to assert authority where none is. COVID gave the CDC a taste for power, which they will continue to seek out ways to wield. The citizens are now taught that the CDC can shut down entire countries if it is related to “health”. Is it possible for them to take away a constitutional right because of a “health crisis?” Keep an eye on the back door. The CDC is taking the key. Sign up for the Personal Defense World newsletter today to stay in the loop! Sign up for our newsletter I have read and understood the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy and I hereby accept them. 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