The Diamondback DB9: One sneaky snake

The Diamondback DB9 is an often-overlooked ultra-compact 9mm CCW pistol that’s been around for a while, but its small size may make it still worth considering.Currently, the most popular handguns for personal protection are what are often called ultra-compacts. Although handguns of this size are not new, it is relatively new to find handguns that are small enough to fit the 9mm Luger. This type of firearm is so popular because concealed carry is becoming more popular. Every year, new products are introduced to this market. The Diamondback DB9 with its 6-round Magazine. This 9mm handgun is small and easy to conceal. It’s the Diamondback DB9 handgun. This handgun was introduced to me more than a decade ago when I was hunting alligators through the Florida swamps. I was able to visit the factory and shoot alligators being hauled up on the side of an aircraft. I was able to tour the factory and use the DB9 to shoot alligators that were being dragged up along the side of an airboat. I bought another, more modern DB9 after a friend begged me to stop. This pistol measures less than 6 inches in length, less that an inch in width, and less than 5 inches high. It weighs less than 14 ounces unloaded. You can store 6+1 rounds of 9mm ammunition and 15 variants. The DB9 comes standard with one magazine and two base pad. The DB9 comes with one magazine and two base pads. One extends below the grip to provide little finger support. The other fits flush. Many have what I call bumps or pocket pistol sight. They work, but are small. The DB9 comes in four versions. They come with the traditional three-dot handgun sights. These DB9s can also be used with aftermarket Glock sights. If you aren’t going to be carrying a handgun in your pocket, I recommend the version with the best sights. I was able at 10 yards to keep my shots within a 3-inch circle. I also ran the Forty-Five Drill–five shots inside a 5-inch circle at 5 yards in less than 5 seconds. This is despite having to draw from a coat pocket. The Diamondback DB9 doesn’t take up much of your hand so you will need to keep it. The 9mm recoil of a 13-ounce pistol can be daunting for some shooters. It’s also thin and light and will bite your hand a bit with full power 9mm loads. What would you expect from such an insignificant pistol? I wouldn’t mind taking a 250-round training course with the DB9 but that’s not what this pistol was made for. It is a concealed handgun that conceals well. My friend carries it every day at work in an office environment. He keeps it in the appendix position as well as in one of those Sticky holsters. He told me that he forgets to bring his gun to work every day. This has not been my experience. However, I will add that this pistol must be held steady when you pull the trigger. It will be less reliable if you hold it with a relaxed grip like you would with a duty-size 9mm pistol. The smaller 9mm pistols, the more firm they must be held and the more rigid the wrist must be maintained. My daughters discovered this recently during a training course with the new Mossberg MC2sc pistols. This is why the DB9 and other ultra compact 9mm pistols get a bad reputation for reliability. Shooter-induced stoppages aren’t reliability problems inherent to the handgun.For more information, please visit Micro-Compact 9mm PistolsNEXT STEP: Download Your Free Storm Tactical Printable Target Pack62 Printable MOA Targets with DOT Drills – Rifle Range in YARDSThis impressive target pack from our friends at Storm Tactical contains62 printable targetsfor rifle and handgun range use. Target grids and bullseye sizes can be downloaded in MOA. Get Free Targets

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