The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters — A Good Resource for Wind-Reading

Wind Book for Rifle Shooters

The Wind Book for rifle shooters by Linda Miller & Keith Cunningham is a book that many of our Forum members recommend. New Edition — Hardback & eBookThe updated edition of The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters, released in May 2020. This 144-page, 2007-published book is a valuable resource. You don’t need to take our word. You can read excerpts of the book by clicking this link and make your own decision. Click the “Read Sample” bar below the book cover image on the Amazon page. You can preview the chapters of the Wind Book and view some illustrations. Amazon also offers a Kindle edition for $14.99, along with the hardback version ($22.99). Other books, like Applied Ballistics for Long-Range Shooting (Bryan Litz), cover wind reading as part of a broader discussion on ballistics or shooting at long ranges. The Miller & Cunningham Book is all about wind reading, from cover to finish. That is its strength. The book is based on real-world skills that will help you accurately gauge the wind speed, wind direction, and wind cycle. Your ability to read wind will determine your accuracy, regardless of other factors. The more you understand about the wind’s behavior, the better you can predict the behavior of your bullet. The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters This book covers the techniques and tactics that are used by wind-readers who are experts. There are many charts and illustrations. The authors demonstrate how to put together an easy wind-reading “toolbox”, which can be used to calculate wind speed, direction and drift. They then explain how to use the tools to read mirages and flags, record your observations and compensate for wind. This is a book that I think every long-range shooter should have. When I bought this book, I read it cover to cover. It helped me understand how to make accurate scope corrections and wind reading. You will not be disappointed if you buy this book, read through it and put it into practice. P. Janzso This should be your one book on wind reading. This book is for everyone, whether you are a beginner or an experienced wind shooter. It explains how to determine wind speed and direction using flags, mirages, and other natural phenomena. This is my favorite book for learning how to read wind speed. Muddler

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