Three Press Comparison Test: Rock Chucker Co-Ax, Summit

May 17th, 2022″The press is the heart of the handloading operation, also traditionally the most expensive single tool employed…” — Laurie HollandBritish competitive shooter Laurie Holland has reviewed three popular, single-stage reloading presses for Target Shooter Magazine ( Laurie added a Forster Co-Ax and RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme to his reloading station and put them through their paces. These three machines are quite different in their design and operation. The Rock Chucker, a heavy, cast iron “O” type press that provides great leverage for difficult jobs, is the venerable Rock Chucker. The smaller RCBS Summit presses are an innovative upside-down design that features a large central column and an open front. It has a small footprint and allows for easy access to the case from the front. The Co-Ax is different in many ways. Die slide in and out from the upper section, which allows them “float”. Laurie’s article will explain how the cartridge case is held in place by spring-loaded jaws. This allows them to “float”. After processing three different brands, he reviews the pros and cons for each press. He discusses ergonomics and ease of use, press leverage and smoothness, priming function, as well as the ability to produce straight ammunition with low run-out. The review also includes interesting data about case-neck runout (TIR), for RWS, Federal and Norma 7x57mm brass. Review Quick Highlights:RCBS Rock Chucker supreme
“I was not expecting the antediluvian RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme to perform well, but I mounted it in place of the Summit. After I had sized the first RWS case, I realized why this press is such a popular choice. The workload was significantly lower than the other two presses. I was able to do 40 cases in no time with very little sweat. “RCBS Summit Press

“Despite its massive build, long-stroke operating handle, [the Summit] required more sweat than I expected, even though it was slightly less work than the Co-Ax. The Summit is massive, but I noticed that the die platform tilted fractionally under the most severe strains. It is a pleasant press to use and bullet seating was easy. The few examples that were tested proved very concentric when they were checked afterwards. This task would benefit from the optional short handle. “Forster Co-Ax

“On the Co-Ax, the operating handle is located above the machine with twin steel links at its top dropping down to the moving components. The Co-Ax has many unique features. It includes an automatic and multi-case compatible shell-holder with sliding jaws and spring-loaded sliding teeth, very neat spent primer arrangements, and a snap-in/out die fitting that allows for rapid changes and allows the die to ‘float’ relative to the case, giving very concentric results. This press is very reliable and meets all my handloading requirements.

Similar Posts:Tags: Forster Co-Ax, Laurie Holland, RCBS, Rock Chucker, Rockchucker, Summit Press, TargetShooter.UK

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