Top Gear Choices for 100/200 Benchrest — A Winning Formula

December 4, 2022 Top Gear Choices for 100/200 Benchrest — A Winning FormulaThe Rifle For Short-Range Benchrest CompetitionHardware Options: Actions and Stocks, Barrels and Optics
Tech Talk by Jeff StoverThis article is based on the results of the 2019 IBS 100/200 Group Nationals, held August 12-17 at the Holton Gun & Bow Club. We will be focusing on the most popular components of rifles — the options for Actions, Stocks, Barrels, Scopes, and Barrels.

Jeff Gaidos, Hall of Famer, takes aim at the 2018 IBS Group Nationals. He uses a low-profile carbon fiber stock with a Leupold fixed power scope. For many years, BAT has been the dominant action. BAT actions occupied nearly 100% of the Top Ten positions in all Bag Gun equipment lists this year. Next, let’s look at barrels. Bartlein and Krieger seem to be the most competitive, with upstate New York’s venerable Hart barrels being the best. Shooters prefer to work with the winners so Wayne Campbell and Jeff Peinhardt are the best benchrest shooters. Stocks are full of variety, but there is a commonality. Both Michigan-made Scarbrough and Scoville stocks are made from laminated wood (balsa or other wood) and carbon fiber. They are wrapped in carbon fibre. My 10.5-lb Scoville stock weighs 18 ounces and is full-size with a long fore-end. Bob Scarbrough has a similar product. Both are winners. It’s a choice between Lamborghini or Ferrari. These top rifles have a different route to the winner’s circle. Both are made from cedar or another wood, but they are super high-tech because they are laminated using carbon fiber. They are also beautiful. They are also very beautiful. It is crucial. A hot bullet will give you “Teen Aggs” as well as lots of trophies. An average bullet does not. These are 68 grain 6mm boatstails. This list includes the Peinhardt (StaMoly Precision), but you will also see top shooters making their own bullets. Bullet jackets are most likely StaMoly and J4. Nearly everyone shoots Vihtavouri N133 powder except a few guys who use LT30/32, surplus 8208 or LT32.

Similar Posts:Tags: 6 PPC, BAT action, Carbon Stock, IBS, N133, NBRSA, Scoville Stock, Vihtavuorie N133

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