Top Self-Defense Weapons That Aren’t Guns

Many of us carry a gun every day, but we don’t give much thought to the other things that go with it. The issue is not simple, mainly because the presence of the gun and the prospect that you will use it increases the lethality of both you and the other person. We tend to view things through the lense of escalating violent acts, such as bringing knives to gunfights, where we are constantly trying to gain an advantage over those who want to harm us by using overwhelming force. In the last two years we have seen a proliferation of high-capacity guns in powerful rounds such as 9mm. These include the Sig P365 and Springfield Hellcat, as well as a plethora guns from Glock Ruger and S&W that conform to this paradigm. Federal’s 30 super carry ammunition is a great way to increase the capabilities of these small guns. What else do you have with you? I’ve taken many gun classes over the years. The ones that were of substance focused more on tactics and scenarios, using dummy weapons, than on actual shooting. There’s no need to pay a lot of money to hear how good someone is at handling and shooting. Knives are the opposite: Take as many classes on force-on-force as you can. You’re more likely to get seriously injured by your own knife without training than to stop an attacker. It is important to get proper training and to know how and when to use any edged weapons. Always carry a knife as if it were a tool, and not your main weapon. This purely defensive theory, which is based on the need to defend yourself while your attacker literally tries to grab you, requires that you have something easy to draw and to open. A fixed blade knife would be ideal in this situation, but folders can also work if you are proficient with them. You want a blade that can both stab and slash, and a handle with a good texture. You’ll want a handle with a textured grip that allows you to quickly determine the direction of the blade. Avoid knives that have rounded or oval grips that can rotate. This tool has a blunted exterior edge but a very sharp interior edge. It is a great stand-off weapon because it allows you to strike without being lethal, but it can also be quickly converted into a cutting tool. These tools are great for non-lethal pressure-point manipulation, but can also be used to slash. Fixed-blade knives, while stronger, are harder to carry and may not even be legal in your area. Automatic knives are becoming increasingly popular, but you shouldn’t rely solely on button-release or assist-open mechanisms. Even a small amount of lint will prevent the mechanism from locking. The best method, in my opinion, would be Emerson’s Wave Feature. This is a forward-facing loop on the blade which catches the pocket lining when you pull it. It opens instantly when you draw it, but is not mechanically assisted in any way. You can achieve this with practice. Check your local laws before carrying a knife. You’d be surprised to find out how few restrictions exist on guns if you try to carry a knife legally. The future looks good, as many states are updating the knife laws. Emerson knives are known for their durability and high quality. The Market Skinner has a classic profile and will give you the results that you expect from a blade. The N-SAR can cut any belt. It is a rescue tool that is designed for special situations. The N-SAR does not have the ability to stab but it can cut and is a great defensive tool for areas that do not allow knives as “stabbing instruments”. It has a blunted tip for getting safely under seatbelts or straps. There is also an integrated belt cutter on the spine of the knife. This tool can be used in order to circumvent laws that define knives as “stabbing devices”, allowing them to be carried in places where they are not allowed. MSRP: $299.50EMERSON MARKET SKINNERA pocket-sized Bowie knife, the Market Skinner can be used for self-defense, hunting, and general EDC. The shape and texture of this knife’s grip allows it to be held either tip-up or down. MSRP: $267.95WINKLER DROPP POINT CRUSHERI use this knife every day and highly recommend it. This knife is light and slender, despite its “big knife” appearance. The blade tip is lowered towards the centerline to make it easier to handle. The pommel is equipped with a glass breaker which can be used for self-defense. The knife is extremely strong and maintains its edge even under tough use. MSRP: $375Your cell phone is probably the most important item in your kit today, more important than anything else on this list to get out of bad situations and find resources near you. You shouldn’t ignore the power of your cell phone. You should use all the data available to avoid conflict. It is important to be aware of these situations. Show your children where to avoid houses, and if one of these individuals engages them they should run away and call the police. You can also use these apps to find safe areas and local community buildings, as well as stores that are open after hours, to reach safety. You might need to use your phone in an emergency situation that is not violent. It is foolish to make your phone difficult for others to use by using a complex password. You should treat your smartphone the same way you would a knife or gun. It is fast and easy to use with one hand. It’s a good idea to record any suspicious or threatening activity. LIFE360If you’re not comfortable with your location being tracked all the time, then this app is not for you. As we all know, they can track you. This app is an all-encompassing family safety product. It can tell you where your loved ones are, if they are driving, and even alert you to a crash. It includes many features such as crime reports, sex offenders locations and more. This is a great tool for safety, as it allows you to stay on top of dangerous places and people. MSRP: Approx. Plans vary. $60 per month. ALPATRONICS INTEGRATED PHONE CASE This phone case has a built-in battery backup that can extend the life of your phone by days. This case is a lifesaver if you need to carry a phone to monitor your blood pressure or heart rate. It’s also rated for protection if the phone is dropped. The company offers models for many Androids and most iPhones. MSRP: $42.95APPLE TAG 4-PACKIf traveling with guns is something you do, it’s a good idea to put a location tag on your gun case. You can also tag your car, if you live in an area where vehicle thefts are common. Some people find them creepy, but i’ve seen more than one person have their guns stolen from the trunk. If the thief abandons the case, at least you’ll have a location to give the police if they find it. MSRP: $99.99I’ve been guilty of not taking personal injury as part of self-defense serious. It’s smart, just like with knife classes, to take a medical class. It’s not as thrilling as tactical reloading, but all the fancy footwork and extra ammo, as well as the plate carriers and other gear, are worthless if you get shot in the leg. Will your friend be able stop the bleeding or will he just bring his Noveske to the range to show off? The reality of guns is people get shot. Most people will look at you funny if they see an emergency kit on your waistband. You don’t need to look like a dweeb if you have medical supplies. There are many that are both effective and low-profile. It’s important to practice using them, even if it’s not “cool.” Imagine your neighbor losing control of a tree-clearing chainsaw. It’s a terrible injury. Are you equipped with the skills necessary to stop him bleeding to death immediately? What you carry, or at least keep nearby, is not just about guns. It’s also the benign things we encounter every day that we need to prepare for. The tourniquet is an inexpensive, reliable and simple way to stop blood loss. After some practice, you can apply them to yourself or others with just one hand. You should not put them around your head, as they are not meant for head injuries. Resources TourniquetsThis tourniquet is low-cost and high-performance. It can be stored in a purse or bag. A real tourniquet is effective in stopping bleeding at the extremities almost instantly with practice, even though it is rare to need one. In car accidents, shootings, stabbings and on the job, bleeding control is essential. It makes sense to keep a few around. There are many products that fit into the concealed carry/everyday carrying category. If your life is at stake, you can use everyday items as weapons in places like the office, on the job or anywhere else that’s not permissible. The main disadvantage of this category, however, is that they are all compromises. Many standard items, such as box cutters and sharp scissors, screwdrivers or chisels, and tackhammers, can be carried without any problem. You may have it in your pocket if someone asks you a question. Do not modify these items past their original specifications. If you are lucky enough to have a force-on-force club or class in your area, bring these items along and practice with dulled versions. DEWALT SHORT CHISEL SETDeWalt’s chisels are a popular brand and can be used for their intended purpose. The 1/8-inch wide chisels are a great weapon for stand-off battles. These tools are inexpensive enough that losing one is not a major issue. The rubberized grips make them easier to use than plain wood. This is a basic multi-tool which can be used to make a weapon if necessary. It is about the size and weight of a tack-hammer, and has a pry bar and two sizes of wrenches, as well as a glass-breaker and a face hammer. The tool is small enough to fit in a bag or car without being noticed. MSRP: $85This issue is also a hot topic in the world of guns. Should a weapon light be mounted on it? There are more and more gun models that have mounting options for lights. Some instructors dislike gun-mounted lights while others love them. Some instructors prefer only hand-held lights. You should find someone who is able to teach both methods before making your decision. I always carry a flashlight after dark and my primary carrying gun has a light. I can still carry the light even if I don’t have my gun. It is important to have a light that can blind or flee an area. You should also know how your light will interact with your gun. My RMR sight was easily washed out by flashing lights at night, car headlights, and the muzzle-flash.Lights will vary depending on your gun and use. We live in a time when handheld lights are at their best. It’s hard to go wrong. Any product by Streamlight or SureFire is great. You can easily be blinded by lights, so make sure to practice using them in your home. You’d be amazed at how different your house looks when the lights are off and 1000 lumens are used. In most cases, training is more important than light itself. Lights are something you should never be without, not even in daylight. You never know when the inside of a building will be dark. Or, you may have to stay out later than planned. Your EDC clothing should not scream, “shoot Me First.” There are a lot of “tactical clothing” companies out there, and while they may be good for concealed carry in general, they can make you stand out. You’re like those cars that look like bugout vehicles, complete with extra gas cans and all the accessories. If things go wrong, you’ll be an easy target. Spend some money on nice clothes that are stylish and clean for your area and the season. You won’t look like a threat at first glance if you wear clothes that fit. Avoid wearing items that are overtly political or ideological. You want to look deadly, but not show off what you’ve got. Your dress should be camouflage, or keeping your cards close. The Drop Point Crusher knife is not only beautiful, but it’s also very light and rugged. The AFERT is a small and unassuming tool which can be used in many ways, including as a last-ditch weapon. I like how their fanny pack is able to be totally discreet, while also offering a dedicated compartment that can hold a full-size pistol. With these, it is easier to carry large guns and you can learn to draw quickly with practice. The Shot Timer and Defensive Handgun trainingDry Fire Training to Improve Defensive Handgun SkillAiming a Defensive Handgun: Is there a Right Way?7 steps to control fear and make sound decisions under stressNEXT STEP Download Your Free Storm Tactical Printable Target Pack62 Printable MOA targets with DOT drills – Rifle range in YARDSThis impressive pack from our friends at Storm Tactical includes62 printable targets for rifle and handgun ranges The target grids and bullseyes are measured in MOA. Subscribe to the Gun Digest newsletter and we will send you your print-at home target pack immediately. Enter your email below.

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