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It’s easier to say than to do. Swinging your rifle from one target to another is a difficult task. Most shooters do not practice transitions on paper with a gun to see where their shots actually land. I see too many shooters practicing with steel targets, and getting that instant feedback when a shot lands on target. They have no idea where the shot went. Shooting at paper can be very useful because it will show you what you are doing wrong and where you need to improve.
Perfecting Rifle Transitions
There is no feedback if you miss when shooting at steel without a berm or backing. If you practice shooting on paper, you will be able to make an educated guess as to where you may be missing.
Shooters can develop bad habits they may not even be aware of. Overswinging your rifle can be a problem when switching from one target to another. Paper targets are accurate and won’t lie.
(Photo by Kelly Zachary).
Some shooters may have bad habits due to their background in military or law enforcement. I’ve seen people lower their muzzles when switching targets, as if they were clearing a house or getting ready to stack. This time lost by bringing the rifle down and back up again adds up.
The drill that I will be discussing will help you to break bad habits and learn what you are doing right or wrong, as well as increase your target speed of transition.
Equipment Needed
3 Paper Targets
Timer (Author uses a Kestrel KST1000).
(Photo by Kelly Zachary).
The Drill
Set up three paper targets 10-15 yards from you, and space them about 2-3 yards apart. This depends on the width of your range.
I force myself to focus on one area on a target. I mark the target with a white marker or Sharpie. If you are new to shooting a gun, it is a good idea to aim for the “A zone,” the “Down Zero Circle,” or the center mass of a target.
(Photo by Kelly Zachary).
Low-ready is the starting position. This means that the rifle is at a 45 degree angle, with the safety on and the finger off the trigger. Shoot the three targets from left to right, or right to left, when the timer beeps.
This drill should be done in both directions, but with clean targets. You can then track your movements as you switch directions.
When working on transitions try not to stop at a target. Instead, get a perfect sight image and then fire the gun. The goal is to transition quickly. As soon as you see the target, make an accurate shot within your zone. Then, move on to the next target and repeat the process.
(Photo by Kelly Zachary).
When firing at a target, it should feel like a slow drag.
Track Your Times
Once you are ready, begin tracking your times. Make sure you also get good hits on the paper in your designated goals zone.
This drill can be altered to increase complexity as you improve your shooting. I like to do this exercise with my offset red-dot optic. On the final target, I sometimes switch from scope to an offset optic. I also practice this drill in different starting positions. For example, port arms or the buttstock of the belt.
(Photo by Kelly Zachary).
As you start shooting different matches, you will quickly learn that there are many different ways to begin with a rifle.
What does the paper say?
Yes, you should assess your paper targets. The drill is designed to help you determine how your shooting is really going.
I always tend to shoot to the left of my intended target. This means that I am not pulling the trigger fast enough. I am at risk of “overrunning”, which could result in me scoring lower than I would like or a miss. It’s good to know where I am more likely to miss. It tells me I need to improve my shooting.
Enjoy this drill and make sure to change it up to improve the areas that require improvement.
(Photo by Kelly Zachary).
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