A credit card can be a useful backup or tool for online purchases for some people, while for others it is a necessity. Personal preference is to use cash for ammunition and firearm purchases. Some people find it easier to use a credit or debit card for their gun and ammo purchases. It seems that this is a worse idea than ever. UPDATE: 24 Attorneys general warn credit card companies not to track gun purchases From the Editor: The Merchant Category Code change is nothing more than backdoor gun control, as we have stated in our original report. 24 Attorneys General oppose it. That’s almost half of the country, if you keep track. They sent a warning letter to credit card companies advising them not to go ahead with the new code. The letter was sent to the CEOs at Visa, Mastercard, American Express. The letter was sent to the CEOs of Visa, Mastercard and American Express. It will only target law-abiding citizens, and their Constitutional Second Amendment rights. False and misleading information is also possible
First, tracking and monitoring gun store sales would result in misleading and vague information. This categorization wouldn’t recognize the difference between buying a gun safe or a firearm. It also creates a situation for misuse. “More importantly,” purposefully tracking this data can only lead to its misuse, either intentional or unintentional. This data should not be created or tracked if your institutions plan to use it for other, more harmful actions, such as infringing on consumer privacy, preventing constitutionally protected purchases, selectively restricting your payment systems or withholding financial services from “disfavored” merchants. A Stark Warning: The AGs inform the CEOs that their actions could lead to civil and criminal liability. They cite press releases from public officials that indicate this was done in collaboration with other state actors. They issue a stark warning to credit card companies: “Social policies should be discussed and decided within our political institutions. Americans are tired of corporate leverage being used to advance political ends that do not have basic democratic support. The Second Amendment is a fundamental American right. However, it is also a fundamental American value. Our financial institutions must stop lending their market power and money to anyone who would attempt to undermine that value. “We will use all of our legal authority to protect our citizens from any attempts to undermine their constitutional rights. Keep this in mind when you decide whether to adopt and implement this Merchant Category Code. Credit card companies help Democrats track gun purchases Mastercard and American Express both have pledged their loyalty to gun control advocates, but Visa was the last straw. Recently, Visa gave in to the Democrats’ demands to flag gun and ammunition purchases. Guns and ammo sales were not included in other categories, such as general merchandise or sporting items. The International Organization for Standardization has voted to create a new merchant code for firearm stores. They are selling it to track suspicious sales. According to Reuters, “Amalgamated Chief Executive Priscilla SIMS Brown stated that the codes would allow financial institutions to use new tools for detection and reporting suspicious activity associated with gun traficking and mass shootings, while not impeding legal guns sales.” This seems like a good idea, but as with everything in the gun control lobby, it is worth digging deeper. John Feinblatt, president and CEO of Everytown for Gun Safety, said that today’s announcement was a crucial first step towards giving credit card companies and banks the tools they need in order to recognize dangerous firearm buying trends — like a domestic extremist building an arsenal — and report them back to law enforcement. This announcement comes at the same time that the President called Republicans “fascists”, and a “threatto democracy.” Leaked documents from the FBI, DHS and FBI label Second Amendment supporters “Domestic Extremists.” They have the right to claim it’s about reducing gun violence. It’s easy to see the direction of all this when the pieces start to fit together. The Back Door Democrats and the gun control lobby want us to believe that the majority of Americans want gun controls. But the facts are clear. They know this and keep trying to lock the back door. All things, from treating gun violence “public health crisis” to forcing shipping companies to stop shipping firearms-related products. Now, credit card companies can track firearm-related purchases. They are aware that gun control is not popular so they are looking for an avenue that doesn’t require voting. They also know that people will see what they do, so some gaslighting may be necessary. As was the case with Letitia James, New York Attorney General, who tweeted a nonsensical false equivalent. Credit card companies now need to take the next step and flag suspicious gun and ammunition sales just like they do for money laundering and fraud.
Working together and using all the tools available, we can help our communities and save lives. — NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG September 9, 2022) Someone should remind her that fraud is illegal at every level. Despite their best efforts, firearm ownership is still illegal. They hate the Second Amendment and don’t even try to hide it anymore. This is what you need to remember in November. They will do anything to take away your God-given right of self-defense. I have always advocated for cash being taken to the gun shop. It is more important than ever to leave your credit card at home. I would never use a debit card. It’s not their business if you legally purchase firearm-related items. This is your right as an American citizen. Every year, the U.S. sells a lot of firearms or firearm-related products. It would be a disaster if everyone stopped using their credit cards for these purchases, or at all. Corporations must learn to stay focused on business and not get involved in politics. They can only lose. Continue Reading Search The post UPDATED : Credit Card Gun Purchases Now a Weapon for Gun Control Lobby appeared originally on Personal Defense World.