August 18th, 2021
It would be amazing if there was one target that could handle all the important tasks at the range, including zeroing, load development, click value verification, repeatability tests, and click tracking. The team at Box to Bench Precision (B2B), has created what may be one of the most versatile and largest precision targets ever made. B2B’s targets are a new benchmark in precision target design. They feature razor-sharp printing and grid geometry that is extremely accurate.
Click Tracking Grid Target B2B created an advanced target for this purpose. The 30? The 30? tall by 23.5? The wide Rex Grid Target (shown above) is a grid that can be used to measure elevation and windage clicks. The grid design is unique with small tics that denote 1/4 MOA 1/2 MOA and 3/4 MOA. For better visibility, 1 MOA is marked by a “+”, and the 5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 MOA elevation lines have been bolded. Over the entire grid, there are 5 MOA intervals for aiming points.
The same target can be used to verify repeatability and click values. A box test requires that you start in one corner and take the first shot. We recommend using a warm barrel to do this after a few foulers. Next, add “up” clicks that go straight up to take a second shot. The third shot will be taken by adding horizontal clicks. Next, click down (the same amount of cliks as you did up) to take the fourth shot. You can then reverse your horizontal clicks to take a fifth shot. If your rifle is good and the scope clicks can be repeated, your fifth shot will touch the first shot.
B2D’s Rex Grid Target can be used for Box Tests, as can B2B’s popular Development and Scope Tracking Target (left below) and B2B’s Sniper’s Hide 100-yard Target (right below).
B2B’s 100 yard long range Load Development and Scope Tracking Target can perform many functions. This huge, 30? x 23.5 Target has specific aiming points that correspond to different tasks. There are 11 small orange circles in the upper left for precision load testing. To perform a Seating Depth Comparison Test, 7 additional small orange circles are located in the upper right.
The target’s bottom half has larger black-on–white circles that serve multiple purposes. To confirm scope tracking, use the corner circles. Another great feature of this target is the tall line running up the center. It shows elevation in both MILs AND MOA. This allows you to confirm the true click values of your optic. It’s amazing how many scopes are slightly off the advertised specs. Long Range shooters must verify their click values.
Buyers praise the B2B Targets
We have handled the B2B Targets which are printed on high quality, tear-resistant card stock. We can confirm that the printing is precise, with accurate elevation and windage values. These targets are not your average targets. They are nearly three feet high. These targets are highly praised by verified buyers:
“Thanks for taking the time to talk with me about the MIL markers and MOA markers on your targets. They are very accurate. I was able to use the Long Range 100-Yard Load Development/Scope Tracking target with my new scope and it helped me see that my scope was not tracking correctly (both turrets). So I sent the scope to its manufacturer. The scope arrived back with my target as my constant. It is now spot-on accurate. These targets are a great way to get a better understanding of your scope, rifle, and turrets all in one sheet. Stan, 2018.
“Almost too beautiful to put holes in. These are great! I’ve been in the printing business for 35 years. These are high quality paper and precise printing. I was able to easily see bullet holes with them! — Dan, 2018
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Tags: Targets for B2B, Box to Bench Optics Testing Scope Click Values Scope Tracking Tall Target