January 10, 2022
The Whidden Click-Adjustable Sizing Dies allows you to change your shoulder bump by.001 With a single click, you can change the shoulder bump by.001? Fast. Easy. It’s simple. Most people find that with conventional dies, it takes a lot of trial and error to get the shoulder setting right. It can be frustrating and slow work. Anyone who has tried it will tell you. Patent No: 10,393,488. This lock ring and die work together to give the user a click-feel to the adjustment, just like a high-end rifle scope. Every click moves the shoulder bump exactly.001 So you can find exactly the shoulder bump you want. The Click Adjustable option can be found on Whidden Custom Sizer Dies (7/8″-14 format only)! A Shoulder Bump Gauge is included with the Click Adjustable Die. This gauge attaches directly to standard calipers and allows measurements from the case shoulder up to the base. Using the Shoulder Bump Gauge with the Click Adjustable Sizer Die will make the proper sizer die setup easier than ever before.Click-adjustable die sets are available with both bushing and non-bushing configurations. Whidden Gunworks also offers a click-adjustable accessory ring that can be used with existing dies. The Whidden Click-Adjust Lock Ring is $54.95, and it offers a small investment in die ease-of use and precision adjustability. This ring can be used with any 7/8 OD sizer from any brand with an adjustable shoulder bump. The inner and outer rings can rotate independently. Each click is rated in true 1,000,000ths adjustment and has 0.100? total available travel. These are compatible with almost all 7/8 OD sizing sizing dies. One verified purchaser commented: “These are great for reloading dies and it’s the best thing for Giraud Power Trimmer case holders. “Dillon Users: The Whidden Adjustable Sizing Die won’t work with the Dillon progressive reloading presses Dillon 550 and 650. The Universal Click Adjustable Lock Ring does not work with the floating Dillon toolhead.
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